Monday, July 31

Close encounter with the civet kind..

K...sometime last week, I had problems sleeping because of an unnatural amount of activity on my roof. Scrabbling, chittering, dogs barking in reaction to the nocturnal activity... yup. Invasion of the Civet kind. A family of what we know as musang (which I always thought meant fox, but really refers to the civet cat) has moved into my compound.

I find that move somewhat silly, as I have 6 very predatory cats prowling the perimeter, and the houses on either side of my own are patrolled by dogs which have no compunction in eating my cats, much less the tree-hugging, fruit-loving civet cat. However, hunger is always a huge factor when an animal decides to settle on a place to live. And my house is simply surrounded by all manner of fruit trees.

Predators be damned. The bounty of fruit is lure enough that squirrels, birds and civet cats will brave my family of felines.

As I approached my front gate with a car-load of family members (sister, mother, child), we saw a little kittenish animal toddling on the grass right by where we place our trash can. Commenting on it in excited gasps and chatter (we honestly thought one of our cats had given birth, and that one of her brood had escaped our home), I hurriedly drove my car in, and walked out to take a look.

We realized it was a baby civet cat because, hey, although it's called a civet cat, it's not. A cat. It's quite distinctly NOT a cat, in fact. And I was terrified my cats would find it and kill it...The flip side to owning kick-ass felines is they attack smaller, more helpless, cute n' furry animals.

I grabbed my jacket (I was gonna sacrifice hubby's Mambo jacket to the scratches of a terrified animal, fear that!) and approached it cautiously. I talked in as soothing a tone as I could manage, and tried not to make any overtly threatening or sudden moves. Although it is just a baby, a cornered animal is dangerous, and a mere bite or scratch could potentially be deeply unpleasant.

After a while of nonsensical chattering, it started to calm down, and I believe, to actually respond to my inane conversation. It began to listen (it had been chittering fearfully the whole time) and, in fact, began to converse with me. Half of the time we spent "talking" in our own languages was mostly warnings and, from the civet, a frightened screaming to stay back. Possibly also a cry to its mother, which my sister said she'd seen cross the road. It never came back, nor approached the house to rescue its young.

Anyway, the little thing actually cocked its head to the side and stared at me cautiously. I believe, firmly, that I could have leaned down and snapped it up into my jacket with a minimum fuss... I was that close, and it was that calm. For some reason, though, after having a conversation with it? I didn't want to betray its trust by throwing my jacket over it, and possibly frightening it to hell and back.

My mom passed me some sort of vegetable to feed it to get it to come even closer, but it was too afraid to eat, and in fact backed up into the wall behind it, literally climbing it backwards and upwards, to avoid the unknown offering. I left it on the little ledge it was perched on, but naturally it was too afraid to eat. Also, my sister kept pointing out it's not a vegetarian per se, but a fruit eater. What's the diff, I wonder?

By this time, the neighbour's dogs had caught a whiff of our anxiety, and the little thing's distress, and they were barking loudly and frantically at the wall right behind it. In a panic, the little guy climbed down into the drain, and hid under the little bridge my neighbour had built to reach the garbage disposal area that he'd built into his wall.

All this while, the cats and the dogs had started to close in on the action, and we spent a few minutes chasing the cats away.

The little guy finally took the initiative to climb the slope from the drain up to the fence, and he decided to perch there for a while. We were being non-threatening, but still fascinated at the close encounter we were having with a baby civet. You have to understand, we've lived with a few adult civets, shared the fruits on our trees, and our garden with them. But we'd never seen a baby one before, and we were all enchanted :) What can I say? Jakun, kan?

The little guy eventually decided to move, but he chose to skitter along the top of our cement fence. The dogs were going crazy by now, barking like mad things, and I was afraid it would make a wrong move, and fall into the compound next door and into the waiting jaws of those crazed canines.

I'm here to vouch for the sure-footedness of even a baby civet cat. The little guy finally dropped down onto our side of the garden, where I proceeded to keep the cats away from it. It eventually climbed up the thick, mossy trunk of our rambutan tree, and I hope it got high enough to take the aerial route out of my garden. The civet family usually uses the telephone line highway.

I was definitely concerned for the little baby's life while it was on the ground. At least in the trees and onto the thin cables criss-crossing the entire neighbourhood, it would have a better chance of survival.

As I type this, my ears are listening out for any signs of animal distress and the rustle of leaves that indicates the chase is on. My felines haven't been kicking up a fuss, the dogs are silent, and the noisy little civet dude isn't making a sound. I'm going to take the combined silence as a sign that all is well, and that it'll live at least another day due to our interference.

I actually have pictures, but they were taken by my sis, and on her cam. I'll post up a picture later, if she doesn't delete it first :) Anyway, this post is as much for me as it is for you. I get very distressed thinking about the tree shrews my cats leave around, dead and mangled. This little guy was too cute. I just couldn't bear to think of it ripped up that way. I wouldn't trade my cats for anything, but they're really mean sometimes.

It's a happy memory for me right now :)

On a wayward comment...

"I get notices of you posting, but all you do is rant..."

Well, that's not a direct quote, ok? BUT YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, YA WANKER! :D


I went back to renegotiate my hours. Talked to hubby about getting crap pay, and he, like, laughed at me. About the money thing. We both know I can't carry my own weight financially lol :) Anyway, I've paid my dues, so to speak. And in my family, the ladies have a nice, happy tradition going: The men pay for the necessities, and we'll pamper ourselves and our loved ones with the extras.

I take care of holidays, pampering sessions, activities, travel. The planning and implementing of it. He grumbles, goes along, has a good time, nags me because it's a waste of money. Vicious cycle, but if you can't unwind once in a while, it's not healthy either. Hmm.

Am I ranting? .... *think* ... No, but I am deviating :) Blahaha.

Anyway, I might get this job. I might start tomorrow (unless we can't agree on a price). If I do, I can kiss my fun-time goodbye. I accept that life and time wait for no bums. And even though I don't believe I'm in desperate need of money (or as the other term I read recently goes... "I'm not hungry enough"...), I don't want to sit around and get dangerously complacent.

I'm inherently capable of being a blight on society.

Ooo...and yikes, at that. Gotta drive down south this weekend. Cousin's wedding. I think I went overboard with the gifts. Who needs 2 wedding gifts? I dunno. I'm tempted to keep one. I love it! No, no...I shouldn't do that. What a moral dilemma! Hehe :)

Okay, done rambling. Better put this up, before I forget and shut down and not save this post and it ends up trashed. Hrm.

Friday, July 28

New Toy et al

I have a spankin' new E-MU midi Keyboard. To go along with my (legal) copy of Finale. The el cheapo version, but STILL!

I also have proof that someone played HOOKY yesterday!

Lookit that gangster glare. Yah, I took the smaller piece, more power to the hand that wields the spoon! :p

The Tabasco Tower of Happiness. Viva le Tabasco!

We figured the salt-shaker did it. Look at the inconspicuous way it's trying to hide itself!

And a li'l extra silliness: The tongue deco I had to remove. Well, it was that, or swallow it. Good thing I've got a great gag-reflex :p

I went for an interview today. I've got 'til Monday to make up my mind. Up my asking price. Back out. Talk to Hubby. Whatever. Gonna be a LONG weekend for me.

Tuesday, July 25

My new best friend, the Crossramp...

Gave my left calf a serious cramp. Or mebbe I just run funny. It's cool though, my other best friend, the jacuzzi, took care of my sore muscles.


Monday, July 24

Hmm, this was fun.

And I'm shallow. Check it out here hehe!

On parents and role-reversals...SWMUD style.

Timestamp: 1:40pm

DadDude <say> I need to borrow your car, what time are you going to the gym?
Aariye <say> 3'ish. 4'ish....
DadDude <say> Okay, I'll be back by 3...I've got a class to teach anyways.
<DadDude> grabs the car keys from Aariye and hustles AariMom out the door.

Tick. Tock. Do a fast-forward to 3pm.

Aariye <shout> Where the fuck's my car? Where the fuck's my lunch? Hungreeeeee!!

Fast forward to 3:30pm.

Aariye <say> *calls mom's handphone* Where're you?
AariMom <say> Passing Kerinchi. Coming home soon.
Aariye <say> *grunt* ...*hangs up*

10 seconds later, phone rings. It's mom.

AariMom <say> Dad says he forgot to buy you lunch. He'll buy some now, you want?
Aariye <say> Dowan, dowan DOWAN. Bring my car back. Nuneed. I feed myself.
AariMom <say> *splutter*
Aariye <say> *grunt* ...*hangs up*

10 minutes later, I hear the car pulling up the drive. They get into the house. Dad passes by my opened door.

Aariye <nag> Very funny ah, y'all...take my car, then don't buy me lunch, THEN probably use up all my fuel. No food, no fuel, some more late for your lesson...
DadDude <say> It was your mother's fault.
Aariye <say>: *gape*
DadDude <say> Yeah, she kept making me do stuff for her. *walks off to toilet*

End conversation.


Laughed my fat ass off after that convo. I was just enacting this little fantasy on messenger, where I gave my parents a typical lecture on irresponsible teenaged behaviour. Yah... and then I go ahead and lecture like the naggy old woman I've become. Funny. Gotta appreciate the silly moments.

ESPECIALLY when your parent takes his licks like a chastened puppy. Lol! Was I ever that pathetic back in my school days? GOD, I HOPE NOT! Lol!!!

Ugh Squared

Can anything scare a wife more than these words, hastily sent via email?

~ "We had a blow out today after we finished running our job and they were cementing the well, the wheel started to flow so we had to abandon the rig...."

Bad enough I missed his call by a hair (alright, 20 damned minutes...) Worse still to have missed it the dumbest way. My phone's bluetooth was activated, dunno why. And get this. My bluetooth headset, which I had thought was missing, and all this while was actually in the pocket of my long-forgotten Mambo hoodie which was in close proximity of the phone AND turned on...picked up the call, so of course I NEVER HEARD THE PHONE RING!

I felt awful. Logic, naturally, kicked in. If he could email, it couldn't have been a desperate situation. But God! Did he make it back? I called his friend yesterday. Tried, anyways. The whole DAMNED day, starting at noon. They're 4 hours behind local time where he is. I finally got a hold of his friend at 9pm our time, and just checked to see if he'd gotten on-shore safely.

I didn't even ask to speak to him. After his friend told me he was back on-shore and fine, I hung up. I hope that keeps him guessing, suck-faced dork. He could so call me if he wanted to. After, all, I got through, didn't I?! :) Okay, if he reads this entry and sees me calling him a suck-faced dork, I'll be in big trouble :p Hehehe. But hey! At least he'd be alive to whup my butt!

BRING IT! *cackle*


Thursday, July 20

Women Can Be Animals!

Okay, so I finally got a hold of hubby. Got pissy because (at the time) he didn't have a really good reason for not calling me, and he also tried to get me to cut our call short citing the fact that we were talking on his friend's mobile (I finally got him by calling his friend lah)...

Oh man, I was so pissed. And obviously, I assumed the worst. Cuz. I'm entitled. So there.

Anyway, yeah. 12 hours + later, he calls. I'm supposed to catch a concert @ KLPAC, but I was feeling listless and unhappy. I didn't feel sociable, and I just wanted to buy something. Anything. Even if it was paper soap from Watsons. *sigh*

I got me another pair of the same shoes, after extensive consultation with my fashionista pals. Got the green light about it being okay to own variations of the same damned shoes I like (PLUS they were on sale!!!)...Damn. Cheaper than the first pair I'd bought, too.

Wasn't sure my card had any credit left, but in my state of mind, was willing to blow my cash on it and go hungry the rest of the month. Luckily, that didn't happen.

I got lucky because MJ MV had my size. And while waiting for the sales clerk to bring me my shoes, I noticed that the entire shoe/bag department looked like a bomb had dropped in the middle of it, scattering stuff all over. Women were EVERYWHERE, most just single-mindedly forced their way through cashier lines...all intent on the "Goal"...or "prize..!"

Rude, grabby, messy, insane. That was the preview sale.

Anyway, hubby called when I was on my way to DP to buy the linen blend slacks I'd been eye-balling. But since he rang while I was rummaging, I didn't actually get a chance to pick anything up. Gave him a (nice) shelling, and proceeded to tell him he'd interrupted me while I was in the middle of my retail therapy.

He laughed, apologized a few times, laughed sheepishly...and then I told him he was going to PAY for my credit card bill because he'd pissed me off in the first place. He laughed some more, told me (quite truthfully) that he's paying my bills anyways (now, since I'm jobless), and I told him I'd run up my charges quite a bit this month.

Well, there was the Finale Songwriter I purchased online. Both sisters celebrated their birthdays this month (a day apart from each other), he wanted me to send some stuff over with a friend who was in town for a few I purchased his wish-list with the card. My obligatory book quota was in the bill, too. My shoes!! And a nice halter dress which will do for parties and the MPO...

Yeah. So, no worries. And the insurance claims came through, yay! FULL amount, no shit! Intel Core Duo MacBookPro, HERE I COME!!! :D

Okay, back to the story. Walked out of DP without buying anything, as well as to give myself time to think about the white linen pants. Had dinner with Clare @ McD's...went back to DP's after dinner with the full intention of buying something. Picked up an office-wear type blouse as well as afore-mentioned black halter dress. Stopped by Axcess and got a pair of earrings.

And headed home. To upload silly photos. And hubby called again! Whee! So yeah, now I'm tired. And I want to sleep. But I can't. Think I'll watch a DVD or summin' ....

Wednesday, July 19

Mostly for Hagge

Buncha jumbled-up piccies.

Taken in the car...dunno how to excuse this one...

Parkview from the upper levels of the KL Convention Centre.

Very James Bond'ish spy method of picture taking. Snapped on the fly,
in mid-drive harhar. Amazing how the cam focused on the two black
water tanks at the top.

A souvenir from China...AJ brought it back and distributed during rehearsals.

Sungei Wang on the left, Parkroyal on the right.

I'm just amazed at the size of that HARMONICA!

A typical monorail station, and the equally sluggish flow of traffic below it...

KL Convention Center...and the park outside.

Snapped this right after leaving the banquet dinner opening ceremony thing.

Posting this up for a friend:

Hey y'all. Wanna catch these guys? I know some of them from my ICOM days, and they're even better now. Anyway, I'll be going. I love Starbucks + jazz, call it dumb or shallow, or pseudo-yuppie-wannabe'ism. Let me know if you wanna carpool or sum'in.

Tuesday, July 18

Fucky Tuesday

I am getting increasingly edgy, and my energy levels are fluctuating like a sumbitch....

Reason? Well, a major part of it is that while I may have taken the unorthodox route to marriage, I love my husband deeply. And when I haven't heard from him for 8 days (goin' on 9), I tend to get restless. Part of it is worry. Part of it is fear. Yet another part of it is anger, that he would cause me to feel so displaced.

Damned man. What if he is in trouble this time? Okay, I'm not going there, not yet.

Anyway, work made waking up early a necessity. I had breakie, and still feeling listless (yet fidgety, if you can believe it), I decided to take to my bed. Bed = haven. When you sleep, you put aside conflicting emotions. Rest is therapeutic, after all...also, Streamyx was having some problems, and I didn't actually have anything else I wanted to do that could take my mind off 8 days of no contact.

I came out of my morning nap into straightforward anger. I think I had some disturbing dreams, which were somehow related to the people I know who are musically inclined. I don't know why I was feeling anger. Probably some left over vibes from my rant on the recent Opening Ceremony of this convention I was sent to write up on.

No, I will not elaborate :)

Really, I was all set on not going because I was so angry. It's doubly hard to let go of anger, when there's no specific target to direct it at. Just my 2 cents. But dress I did. And pack my gym bag, I did. And talk like Yoda, I do. Not. Haha!!

I made the lunch show, was duly impressed by the high school chorale standards overseas. Attempted to attend a workshop and a paper presentation. The former, we walked out of early... me and Dr. Mimi. I can't remember why we walked out...I think it was prolly cuz it was boring. The latter, well. Lets just say the presentation was to be held by a local gent, and in typical (to this occassion that I've seen) fashion, did not turn up. At all. It's starting to be a trend, and believe me. People are NOT stupid. When you have professors, higher-education educators and doctorate students in attendance, you can bet the bank they're not in the least bit stupid. I shudder to think of the impression we may be giving to the world.

I managed to squeeze in a quick shopping trip at the expo, as well as catch a harmonica trio. It was pretty...amazing :) I have pictures, and I'm not afraid to post it! Later...! :) Anyway, Music Sales UK had a booth up, so I picked up a Barbershop Quartet songbook, and 2 other songs in looseleaf.

Anyway, I'd overbooked my night, cleared one, decided to ditch the other, and ended up at Laundry to cheer on my sis, Fancy Poultry, meet Juliet, and eyeball a real-life WordUp meet :) Saw a lot of people. Incredibubble!!!! :) Had fun, despite the fact that I was tired and wilting around the edges.

Met an old friend! We did the obligatory lets-slap-our-lives-together-in-5-minutes-and-hope-for-the-best routine :) Note to self: Send said friend's regards to other friend who recently got married on the sly.


Okay, I'm really tired now. And I have another long day tomorrow. Heck, it's gonna be a long week, and as long as stupid darned hubby don't call, I'm gonna be a bitch on wheels til he does. Dammit all to HECK!


Shites inna fricking BRICK!

I can't sleep! I'm up reading blogs. And that's just wrong. I need to get some rest so I can be at KLCC tomorrow. I have a class at 9:00pm. My alarm's set for 8am. _EIGHT_...that's sick, AND wrong. SICK'n'WRONG!!!

I think the top of my head's flying off. I heard the WHOOSH...I did!

....I'm not even coherent :(

P/S: You'll be glad to know, I think the thrill of using a gawd-darned dozen or so colors per entry is wearing off. Yeah, no more color. Isn't that the story of my life? I have the attention span of a flea.

Monday, July 17

Haiku thingy...<3!! (DJ madness)

Haiku2 for aariye
teaspoons of nescafe
2 cubes of sugar this is
important if you're
Created by Grahame

Sunday, July 16

More photos uploaded and other shtuff

Okay, this is really late, but here are pictures of the KS crew and some cammie-hammie photos :) There were a LOT of photos, and they're not edited or anything. So yeah, no dissing the zits, fank j00 :D Oh, also. The point of clarifying: I didn't get all the photos in there.

I am going to catch the opening of ISME tomorrow. I have no idea why I agreed when Pang asked. 1) I think he must've been stoned out of his mind to even ask me to write about something like ISME KL 2006, and 2) I must've been stoned out of my mind when I said yes.

I am a lazy writer. Facts bore me. Reasons are all meaningless babble. Fantasy is my genre! BRING IT!

That being said, I've already said yes, and I don't want to repeat the experience of hearing about Pang's Penang Experience. Really. I'm fricking married and not getting any! I don't need my lack of luckiness rubbed into my face, fank j00! :)

No lah, I'm not that sore. But I am that deprived, so shush. Now.

Saturday, July 15

Another Photo Ramble...

Urban evening, urban routine

Myna on a dead tree.

Urban Guardian, Urban Predator...Poised to attack, or to flee.

A new friend I met, a frisky pup with a lovely smile :)

My KakiSeni (nicked off Hazri's Foot Photographing)...I actually sat down to paint 'em m'self, too! Bwahahaha! Fear me!

More silliness here

Again, another pseudo-cardio walk before I did some lifts. I might make a habit out of this, or it might just be a coincidence that it's occurred twice. Whatever it is, I hope it's good for me...Hmm.

Watched Cap'n Jack in Pirates last night! Laughed my fool fat-ass off, and promptly irritated half (if not all the cinema) with my loud "braying"...seriously, people. Get a sense of humor! Like, wtf, right?! It's a funny movie! I laughed at the funny bits, not my fault y'all didn't pay enough attention to the first movie to get half the damned jokes :p


Really, good movie. Can't wait for the second time to go, seeing as my ticket has been paid for n' all :) Luverly!

Friday, July 14

Proof Positive. I have WEIRD friends.

This is the mail this morning:

Beautiful Blonde Pole Dancer

If you should find it too offensive,
please advise, and I will remove your name
promptly from these type of emails!

(Open Discreetly)

Sumpah, takder kerja. And to all the friends I DIDN'T forward this to, be glad :p I know I was about | | <-----this close to bashing my head on my table! Hahahaha!!!

Thursday, July 13

I propose....


To my friend, the newly-initiated gym groupie. May you have many years of love, sweat and pain... Uh...and no, don't go overboard with it :p

<3!!! Hehehe :D

Wednesday, July 12

Omigod, my plastic!!!

I. Went. NUTS!

I have been...salivating...simply panting in absolute lust over these. I know they're not in really good taste, okay? But I don't like skinny heels (especially since I have fat legs) and I love COLOR! Lots of color! In fact, I'm fairly sure these don't match anything in my closet.

And believe me. I've got a decent amount of clothes. UNFORTUNATELY...when it comes to clothes, variety isn't really the spice of life for me :)

So, the straw that broke the camel's back?

20% OFF!!!

You know, the stupid thing is: I've been eyeing them since they came out, and I've just got this...thing...against buying Nine West. This is not my first pair, but the first one didn't really sell the comfort of the brand to me. This one is so...comfy!

I love my creature comforts. I'll spend good $$ on comfort. These? These are comfort. And after about 6 or 7 forays into shoe shops, this one just wouldn't leave me alone. Et voila! The shoes are now in my greedy grasp :) But really, just to redeem myself a little, I realized I needed a pair of shoes when I attended the Jazz Fest @ pink slippers. So salah-max.

Anyway, also purchased during my insane bout of shopping-mania:

  • 2 pairs of slippers from Aldo, 50% off... (I love these! They are the MOST UNBELIEVABLE thongs you'll find anywhere!!! Believe me, I staple foot gear consists of flip-flops, thongs, slippers, whatever you wanna call 'em...and they are cheaper and comfier than the ones you can get at Roxy)
  • Promo undies from La 2 free 1 :D
  • Cropped pants from Dorothy Perkins..(I get a discount on these...F3 member lah)
Fear me now!!!

Tuesday, July 11

My Photo Ramble...

Actually, it was more like a half-assed attempt to cardio a little before I did my weights in front of the telly. Thing is, the day before yesterday was beautiful. Sunny, breezy, perfect for a walk around the area.

Yesterday was a bit smoggy, as you can tell by this piccie. That blue monstrosity in the distance is Jaya Supermarket. Back when I was in Assunta, that was the first place we'd head off to ditch :)

Wasn't a lot of places to ditch to those days...fark, I feel old saying it :p Gah. Anyways, as you can also tell, I left a little late in the evening, and didn't walk very much. I wanted to get home in time for JLU :D (Channel 62 r0xx0rz!)

This plant here grows in front of, like, my current dream house. The dude has a lap pool and I do believe he's water mad :) Heavy balinese influence on his home, and he's got a gadjillion water features. I love it!

He's also got this cute alsatian pup which was, at that moment, prancing through one of the water features. Too bad he's fenced for privacy. I could barely get a glimpse of the pup as it is :) Great plant. Think it needs a flower or something :p Hehehe. No lah I'm not that jakun. I know what ferns and palms are like, duu-uhh!! :p Picture taking can be hazardous when you're doing it in the middle of the road like I was. That being said, it's a good thing I was in a residential. People don't drive too fast during peak hours. Read: Jogging times (5:00pm - 7:30pm) :)

Okay, on a Creepoid Scale of one to ten, this one rates an 8.5. I had a really odd dream about this house, too. It's deserted at the moment, and it's for sale, but nobody's made a move to buy it for years now (and I can tell you my area's pretty prime for people who wanna settle for good), and it just keeps getting creepier every year.

Anyway, my dream involved having bought it, and was endlessly searching for someone. In my dream, it was very long..extending much further than it actually does.

'Twas strange. No apparitions or anything, though. Just a disturbing sensation of loss and seeking and abandonment.

I actually couldn't wait to get away from this house. And I kept remembering this line from an old story I'd read, about how some people believe that the camera can capture a person's spirit. I didn't want to accidentally capture any "spirits" in my new camera.

I've barely broken it in! So yeah, two pictures was my limit :)

Yep, back to my old tricks. I dunno why I keep putting up the plant pictures, but this one caught my attention. It's roughly the size of a bush, but shaped like a rose bud. Obviously, I didn't take a good picture, but it's a really rich shade of green.

And speaking of shades, this one sat in the shade of a huge mango tree. The guy who owns the house this plant sits in front of is a real agri-nut. He's got, like, a profusion of flowers and trees and pot plants and bushes surrounding his home.

The funny thing is, I doubt I would've noticed this plant (above) if I hadn't stopped in a moment of silliness to take a picture of my purple Crocs "artfully" placed next to a leaf on the road.

Anyway, to continue, I'd just like to say I would like a house of this size if I can ever scrape enough money together for it. It's not how it looks, so much as the size of it. I love tidy little houses with room for a garden or pool :) I can dream, right?

Not gonna put up the picture, since I never took one of the house itself :) It's gotta cool sort of solarium thing going, too, on the second floor. Or was that the other house? Hmm. No, I think it was this one :)

If this isn't IW's house, then it's her neighbour's :) From where I was standing, it looks like it's a really big house that starts at the foot of the hill and climbs up several stories. It's not. Really :) My ramble took me up the hill, down a side road and into this little lane. There's a tiny, overgrown path that turns off to the left, with a teeny bridge that goes over the monsoon drain and up to the lane one down from my own :)

I was in a hurry to catch JLU, so I took the short cut lah. I did pause long enough to take a couple more pics though.

The light was crap at that time. The clouds weren't well-defined, and I tried my best to get a nice contrast going. I know I failed, though. The buildings and the trees weren't actually that dark. Forgive me my faint efforts :p

On the lane I was talking about, where I stopped to snap this shot, there was this house with a really cute and odd papaya tree. It's HEAVILY ladden with fruit.

And when I say heavy, I mean heavy! The tree grows almost horizontally, and the fruit's like a couple of inches from the ground, hehe. I did take a photo, but I'm trying not to put up too many house photos. Paranoia or courtesy, call it what you will.

I'm trying my hand at Photoshop with this one. I especially liked it watercolored :) I'm easy to please lah, what can I say? This particular shot was taken at the bottom of the lane leading to my house. Really, though. It's a picture of CLOUDS, up in the SKY :p Duh, I could've taken it from anywhere and it'd probably have looked the same :p

Anyway, yeah. Come to think about it, I don't think I'm using this exact one. There's two of the same (boring ole) view, and the other was more dramatic. For the life of me, I can't recall why that one's not up here instead of this one...

Home, sweet home! This is a single branch on the tree that grows on the left side of my driveway. I liked the symbolism, and of the dying leaves on the branch in the background (same tree!).... It wasn't anything arty okay? I've got no delusions. My strengths are in music, not artistic vision :p

Anyway, it's the bloom of youth, the richness of age, and the incipient approach of death. A full cycle, on one tree. Generation, to generation, to generation. A family tree :)


I keep saying I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that... Get a bike, start some classes. Well, my pockets are a bit bare again, this month. Damned bills :) Also, no permanent job. There's still the classes, but that's also a seasonal thing... I'm going to try do this more often, but knowing me, once I tell myself I'm going to stick to something, I drop it.

Commitment issues? I just don't know :) Anyway, that's sharing my photo ramble. Nothing significant, nothing particularly pretty, and definitely nothing artistic or genius about it.....but who cares, right? I'm just sharing :)

*p/s: DVs are welcome to join me on future with the spare know who you are. I'm thinking of taking a drive up the East Coast...which used to be my favourite jaunt, until things went sour last year. Yeah, I'm not refreshing any memories, least of all mine...but there you have it. I love the East Coast. Anyone interested?

Monday, July 10

So. I lied....What about it?

I know my bed's really sexy and shtuff, but yeah. I've got a hole in the left side of my head where my brains leaked out and now it sort of hurts. Yeah.

So. Upwards and Onwards!!! COFFEE!!!

Aariye's Recipe for a Good, Cheap Cup of Joe.

  1. Grab a BIG mug. None of those pussy standard size shites, y'hear?!
  2. It follows if your mug's taller than your teaspoon, that you should consequently grab: A Long TeaSpoon!! (like those ice cream ones, only not plastic, cuz it'll prolly melt when you pour in hot water, and yuck...who wants liquid plastic flowing in their bloodstream anyways? Duh. Get real...)
  3. Nescafe!! -this part's has to be Nescafe for the sole reason that if it was anything more expensive, you might as well pop down to Starbucks and get your coffee cuz, really. Who wants to drink this shit? :p
  4. Spoon in 3 heaped teaspoons of Nescafe....
  5. 2 cubes of sugar (this is important if you're a weird-assed foo' who gets high on sugar...cuz believe me, coffee doesn't wake me up the way these babies do...)
  6. Add boiling hot water (about half to 3/4 full) - free advice at this point: Do Not Splash Hot Water On The Fingers Holding The Cup!
  7. STIRRRRRRRRR!!! *cackles witchily* (anyone notice how bee-yoo-ti-foool coffee looks when swirled around n' around n' around with sugar/milk? *slurrrrp*)
  8. Top with Low Fat milk, if you're really not a coffee fan, but believe that the combination of coffee and sugar can keep you awake.
  9. **Variation: Without decreasing ANY portions, add either 3 heaped teaspoons of Milo, or squirt in Hershey's Chocolate Syrup....bwahahahaha!!!

Disclaimer: There is no Department of Complaints. If your hair falls out, buy a wig.


I found some blasts from my past...WAY past...while surfing blogs. I feel old. I mean, God! They were KIDS when I was running around, doing my level best to turn everyone else's hair white. And now they're all grown and I'm an Innernet Junkie slash Has Been Gamer Geek.

Also, might I add, Insane Coffee Nut slash Sugar High Freak slash Bum-a-Dum-Dum slash J'Lo's Ass Ain't Got Nothing On Me(remember those Yo' Mama jokes? Yeah..say "Hi!" to my wide-load) slash Wannabe Gym Kaki...

And, aiyo, lets just throw in Unemployed Yet Self-Employed slash Hubby Dependent slash Dangerous When Bored Because I Tend To Mouth Off slash Brain Fart Chick.

Thank you. Nics agrees: I must be bored. Hahahaha, duh! What was your first clue? Me, I think it was the point where I started taking pictures of pond scum. Whatchoo think? 3 posts a day too much? *gnaws lip*'s just past noon. I still have tonight to post another one! Overkill? No? :D

Eh...DVians et al, I'm a'gonna warn you leh...this blog's been silent long-long cuz I've been DeadJournal'ing. But now I got no day job and I know html!!!! Be fuckin' afraids, ye ole kemo sabes....


*Update: (yes, enough of adding new posts okie?) GO check out my sidebar linkage. IllWill Press (aka Foamy Firkin' R0xx0rz) is the awesomeness. And the rest, haha. Yeah, check out the rest.

Brain Farticism

Haha. You know the world's a much smaller place than you could've ever imagined, when you recognize at least three faces in this post.



Why I shouldn't stay up past my bedtime...

Okay, I'm going to creep into my rant with my trademark wishy-washy, semi-defeatist Libran talk. I mean, yeah. I'm really sorry to have to say this, but "Back when mah pappy used to be a young 'un..."

....wokay....NO.... that wasn't it, but it sure was fun, harharhar! :D Erm. It goes more like "Back in the day, when a blog was just a blog, and twern't NO-body givin' no never-you-mind 'bout the meat o' the tale...

Fark. I can't keep it up.

Anyway, I'm just saying. Brad FitzPatrick and Livejournal (I'm not actually going back any further than LJ, because...haha...I was an LJ Bitch waaay back too, lah!) didn't have like some specific criterion stating: "Thou shalt go forth, and impress the world with thy wit and knowledge, or thou shalt be deemed unworthy to 'blog..."

<rant> I guess I'm a little worked up from following some links as I was idly surfing through blogs earlier. I'd like to say it's nothing personal, but hello! *knock! knock!* Seriously! Who am I kidding!??!! I don't blog about world crises. I don't take an active (or even a passive one for that fricking matter!!!) stand about our local politics, and I don't photoshop worth a good gawd-damn.

Where's that leave me? I mean, I could go all pseudo (hypocritically so!!) noble about the little people, who have thoughts and feelings. Mundane thoughts and feelings. Well, I'm physically as far away from little as the North Pole is from the South Pole. But in everything else....well. But yeah, I'm shallow. So here's my question: Are you trying to say that my life doesn't count? </rant>

Actually, an opinion is an opinion. And everyone's entitled to their own. I don't care. If you don't like someone, simply walk the other way. Why provoke a confrontation? I don't see a point in marking my life by the fights I pick.

But just so you know, I'm not crusading or something :) Maybe off on my happy little rant at the mo' cuz I'm coffee-deprived. And yeah, maybe feeling a little off cuz someone does this general put-down thing on blogs that don't matter worth a damn, simply because it doesn't make sense to them.

And aiya, farkit. It's true anyways. This blog's boring as hell. Hahahahaha!!!!

*~Aari now hops back to bed cuz she's gotta read some skanky novels to expand her vocab...*

Sunday, July 9

And the Word for the day is:


I guess I'm going to admit that I'm a big coward. I mean, why deal with something, if you can just as easily run away from it, right??

I may be quite aggressive, but I don't like confrontations. If that isn't a paradox, I wouldn't know what is. That being said, I've found that facing the music is sometimes a lot less painful than I actually think it's going to be. So, you can say I'm permanently in a state of trepidation :)

That being said, I did have lots of fun tonight. I really miss my old office. And here's a thought. I'm really not very good at saying goodbye. Maybe it's just another version of preserving my bridges, rather than burning them behind me. I dunno. Although I feel like I'm on the verge of burning one of them at least: This school that's already shut down, but the previous owner is still taking a cut of my fees.

Like: whutevah....

I think I was operating half-stoned today. I got on the stationary bike, pedaled all of SIX minutes, got off, half-heartedly did my weight circuit...finally got on a cross-ramp machine, switched my iPod to Video, and walked off a good portion of the movie.

I still haven't caught up with my sleep, and I'm too wired to close my eyes to do just that right now. Fuck.

I gotta try. I want to squeeze in some sleep tonight, PLEASE GOD!!!! I've got a long day tomorrow, and it's only Sunday *whimper*

Friday, July 7

Oh Gawd...the PAIN!


I slept at 6:30am today, and was up most of yesterday WITHOUTcoffee!! Oh, the agony! *wilt* A lovely wake up call about 20-minutes before I was ready to be woken up (read: 9:50am) and the ensuing 16min 47sec conversation made it just about impossible for me to go back to bed.

I did remember to give the school a call and cancel my 11:00am class though. My head's pounding like a bitch, and I'm awake. Oh, GOD! Am I ever awake!!!!

For the first time in 2 months, I hopped on the scale. What am I, stupid?! No way I'm writing down the results :p Lets just say, I was pleasantly surprised to find out I hadn't put on as much weight as I thought I had. Yeah, with hubby around, neither of us gets much exercise, and I eat about 3 times more and more often that I do usually.

That fsking sucks, I tell you. The guy works in bumfuck, and he misses good ol' Malaysian fare. And if you think I'm letting him out of my sight for the brief time I have him, you're out of your ever lovin' mind :) So yeah, erratic health/weight gain and loss is a small price to pay. Gosh, doesn't that just sound mushy.


I'm tired. I want to sleeeeeep. Sleep is GOOOOOD. My sexy bed is calling me, but my head's bitching. If I lie down, it'll pound a hole through the left side of my skull.

*Klonk! Klonk! Klonk!*


Okie, all offices (especially the government ones) are closed for a 2hr 45min lunch & prayer break. I am going to read a book. The screen's making my eyes swell, ugh.

Thursday, July 6

KL Music Fest and Some Other Shiteness

In a word, the jazz fest was AWESOME! I truly enjoyed myself, and there was just so much energy zipping around on-stage. To be honest, there was a lot of brain-numbing bits too, too much of the samey stuff ppl produce.

Jazz is now a formula, lads and ladies. *sigh*

Now that I'm on the topic, I just want to voice out an opinion. I think the beauty of each instrumentalist doing a solo by turn in any given jazz piece ---- it's courtesy, it's a sign of mutual respect, and it shows a great deal of equality in a combo. That's fucking awesome. Singing is a solo kind of thing, except in jazz. It's really beautiful when the voice is itself an equal instrument in a combo. Yeah...

That being said, a solo tells a lot about a person's thought processes. The complexity, the logic, the ability...the works. Coupled with ability and technique, a good solo is a joy to hear AND watch.

Side comment on my CoLoR-MaDnEss

  1. I bought a book on html for the Cammies website (I wanted to pretty it up lar!!)
  2. I'm no longer gainfully employed in a time-consuming environment, and can finally put some effort into something flippant and fluffy ---- my blog.
  3. I -like- colors! Nyah! :p
  4. I despise being bored.

Okie, if my bed had a personality, I would say at this moment that it is a sexy, naked, alpha-male creature lounging on its side, and beckoning me to jump on it and end up sleeping....don't bother speculating about the in-between :p Hubby ain't getting none either now, is he! Nyah, to overseas/long-distance relationships.

Wednesday, July 5

The Hate Side of My Love Affair

Now that I've got your attention.

I have my One True Love - Hubby. And my One True Love When Hubby Is Not Around - The Internet.

EARLY this morning (after I'd finished yesterday's influx of events for Juliet), I decided to do the legal thing and (finally) purchase the registration key for my demo copy (legally downloaded!!!) of Finale's SongWriter.

Shites in a cup, the website's almost as flawed as our government websites. (-*side rant: POOR CODE! THAT'S THE PROBLEM!)

I tried the first time to purchase the key, and got an error message. Then I attempted to charge it again by going over my details and adding spaces between digits (there are no properly allocated fields) as is on the card, and again got the error message. Double checked it a third time, and gave up by the fourth when my card got denied.

Now, I'm aware it was stupid to keep trying, but dammit! I wanted that registration key! This morning, my bank called me asking if I'd actually attempted to make a purchase online. When I confirmed that I had, they informed me that my card had been charged ALL THREE TIMES!

Of course, they couldn't do a reversal, but I've told them to flag it as cancelled, and first thing after I got back from my class this afternoon, I shot off an email to Make Music. Grrrr I am so PISSED! I even tried giving customer service a call, but,'s actually not daytime on their side of the world (see how irrational getting pissed makes me? :D)

Anyway, I've taken all the positive action I can. I'll be going for Idea of North's performance at IB tonight. I think it's part of the Jazz section of KL Fest, so I doubt I'll get to hear many songs from them. I missed their workshop at ASK yesterday, too. Tsk.


I love my Innernet....but this fsking takes the fsking C4|<3 of $|-|iT! Not cool man, not cool.

Tuesday, July 4

Back at Work!

Noooo. I'm actually just kidding. I'm not really working. I'm just helping Juliet (I think I'm helping, at least....) with the events. I hope. My own connection seems to stink. I'm awake - BARELY. And I'm desperately in need of COFFEE!!!!

Blahahahahaha!!! *cough*

So yeah, that reminds me. My hot water should be ready by now. In the words of my ex-boss:


......yes, boss.....

Monday, July 3

Baby Vision

I was...edgy. Restless. I don't wanna say "BORED".
It's bad form :) Anyway, I've got more free time during the DAY. Yes, the time when the sun's OUT! So I should do something positive, right? Err...right?! Anyway, I'm a novice to light, color, composition... And more importantly, my mind and my eyes don't share the same Clarity Of Vision.

Actually, Fay just calls it poor taste. I agree :)

This is my Shadowcat, (Mo)Rocco. Long story there, but basically Rocco's gender was in question from kitten-hood. It looks like my sis' old cat, Squirt.

A lot of people don't find pondscum exciting, more's the pity. I swear, the bubble on the left BLOOPED (and POPPED) as I watched! But not on film, and believe me. I waited.

It's the same surface. I was wondering why my cats were drinking out of the other two water "features" in the garden, when they used to visit this gong as well. Questions answered haha :)

This one's my newly-tiled porch. Or is it my parking area? The criss-cross patterns are from the arbor overhead. My dad tried growing grapes, and surprise, surprise! It works! Only, the birds and caterpillars usually get to the fruit before we do. *sigh*

This is Fenny, and she's another confused feline. Good thing about my furballs, they answer to your intent, not what you're saying at the time :) Dad calls her Coon, but his rationale eludes me still. There are three pictures to the set. One had a nicer color, but was out of focus. The other was too dark. Guess we're stuck with this one.

FINALLY!!! The last picture of 14 taken this afternoon, the rest of which I've discarded. I used my new Sony DSC-H1 on all these shots, a really nifty amateur camera, for people who are quite bodoh like me, and want to fiddle where the grown-ups play.

RENT Movie


I walked into Rock Corner (is that what it's called?) in The Curve. My mission? To locate and purchase Craig David's first album. So, yeah I was thinking:

"What if they have the OST of AVENUE Q?!"

Wow. Yeah. So I walked around and wandered to the opposite section. The shop is split the left which holds the CDs, and the right which holds all the movies. They were selling ORIGINAL box-set DVDs of Smallville (only season 1 and 2) for less than RM100.

So cool.

Anyway, it turns out this wandering around business pays off. Woo!! Woooooo!!!! Oh, back to the other question about Avenue Q. I guess it hasn't and might never arrive here. On my to-look-out-for list: Spamalot! Okay, I'm done messing with this page.

To summarize:

Rent the Movie is a real-time version of Rent the Musical. The time-line makes everything feel meatier, more details, more grit. It's film. There are more nuances facially, as well as verbally. Adam Pascal, who plays Roger, is a bit kayu-lah. But cute :) A bit Jon Bon Jovi'ish.

Anyway, yeah. It was a very digestible version of the Play, they were true to the songs, the whole story, and still made it interesting viewing.

If any DVian wants to make a movie day out of this, you're invited to my place :) BRING SNACKS AND WINE! :D