Sunday, December 19

Quizlet time!

Courtesy of some friends in my li'l DJ community. Nicked this quizlet in honor of the Season! Huzzah!

You Are a Losing Lottery Ticket!

Full of hope and promise.
But in the end, a cheap letdown.

In other (mostly unrelated...ok...totally unrelated!) news:

The carolling is going real good. Mostly because it's over in two gigs' time! YAY! Looking forward to the PPP - Post Production Party (whee!) cuz we got La Supa Sandwiches to allow us into the buffet spread. And best of all, we got a preview of tomorrow's dinner on the house. Three cheers for wonderful giving people!

Watched the Phantom of the Opera (movie version). Minnie Driver as La Carlotta was absolutely hilarious!! Bwahahahahaha!!! Thanks to Empress for deigning to bestow freebie tickets on me and my clan *grin*. My clan loved it. I clutched Musedly's hand at some parts...Gerard Butler, the Phantom Dude, sang some terrible high notes. It was Wince-Worthy *tm*. Hehehe. And the fight scene, where Raoul and The Phantom Dude confronted each other over La Diva was so funny. OTT!!! I was whispering into Musedly's ear that they should just stop singing and DO something!! But that's theatre for you...Hahahahah!!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next week. 24th of December is an office holiday, which I shall enjoy tremendously. Looking forward to the party at Goddess', and of course the Boxing Day Tipple-cum-Lunch. Hehe. Of course, I've sworn of alcohol, and shall enjoy recounting to my tippled friends the weird things they said. Cuz I'm ebil like that. Heh heh.

Signing off with a satisfied belly ;)

Friday, December 17

Ugh to Small-minded People In Power

Well, that's just part of what I'm about to post. The rest is really mundane, but what to do? I've got this really bad habit of writing post titles that don't match my posts :p

So..last night was rather...umm...weird. Heh. Me and the Empress had headed out to town to catch the U2 iPod product launch, and we thought we'd arrived there IN TIME. The invites DID say 7pm after all. When we arrived, the line had already curled out to the main road and was on its way to reaching the next plot of land, and we heard from a friend of the Empress that the first 200 had already been in and out with their goodie bags.


So after dawdling to the back of the line and deciding NOT to be like the rest of the geek-pack, we headed back to the car and drove of to the National Arts Academy where Empress promptly signed up (belatedly!) to audition for a role in the Landmark Opera of 2005! Whee!

Hope she and the other DeViants get in :) Although I must say, Goddess Fluffy is ver' ver' naughty this time around :) Esp. since she's heading to Borneo next month :p

OK BACK UP! I missed a step!

So, on our way to the Academy, I took a wrong turn and ended up at the front gates of the Parliament Building (this is at 8pm), where we promptly got harrassed by the gate guards. Geez. So, ok, I understand you're worried that two girls in a little car could be carrying uzis (which are probably longer than our car boot is wide), and probably driving around with bombs strapped to our chests, cleverly hidden by our fitting tops and bras.

And yes, you may see my ID and Drivers' License, but can you not threaten to make me leave my car parked in front of the guard house for DARING to take a wrong turn? I don't think whichever VIP that's going to drive up on the morrow will be very happy to see my little car blocking his way :p

I think if he'd meant business, we'd have had to get out of the car for a frisking. As it is, I suppose the guards in our National Service don't have much to entertain themselves with at night, so we were probably a welcome distraction. He finally deigned to allow us to make a three-point turn, and we barreled down the road and made an illegal left turn because that would be about the only way out of there :p

So yeah, the story follows with the auditions, and then we had dinner and headed home. The end.

Well, not quite. I've been sneezing my head off (damned face powder), and tonight's another show. Ewie. AND the red tide is upon me! SAVE MEEEEE!!! Hehehe.

Okay, NOW, mercifully, it ends.

Wednesday, December 15

Back to the mundane?

Yeah, well. Here I was going through this period where I said I'd try my best to get OUT of working in a music-only environment, start school again, try a different major. Like Linguistics. But oi!! I end up getting a job at an arts/music portal.

How's that for karma?

Anyway...I'm pretty happy where I am right now. Still catch myself asking asinine questions (usually after I've asked it. How embarrassing!! :) Otherwise, I'm good. I think.

Anyway, I've been seriously looking at iBooks/Power Books. After reading the articles on the non-possibility of a G5 powerbook anytime soon, I have to wonder if it's worth getting a G4 iBook instead. or iBook. Holiday or iBook?! Decisions, decisions.

Of course, it's all moot if I don't save up anything in time. So yay job. Yay teaching. Yay, period.

Monday, November 29

Arrogant Fascist Types

Recently, I received an email from an egroup I'm subscribed to, which literally made my blood boil. Details further along :)

Said email was rather inflammatory, and totally unexpected. It was a very public attack, and very poorly informed to boot. Such people should curb their figurative tongues if they have no proof nor substance to substantiate their accusations. Wow, now wasn't THAT a mouthful :)

Until today, I still cannot believe that there are people out there who presume they have the right to tell you what to say and how to think. I have never fully (nor even partially subscribed) to the law that states every person has a God-given right to say what they think. You are entitled to your opinion, and of course you have the freedom of speech (I'm not even an American, by the way) SO LONG AS YOU TEMPER YOUR JUDGEMENT WITH COMMON SENSE.

If saying what you feel is going to start a world-wide war, curb your tongue. Unless it's what you intend, then I can't comment. I'm not one to hide my opinion. However, I've learned that if you take that few extra seconds to think things through, you spare yourself the embarrassment of making thoughtless comments that hurt or offend the people around you. That's not to say I don't blunder, but I'm a lot better than I used to be :)

I'm fairly opinionated, and have been known to blow things way out of proportion. I also know that once I've vented, I'm not too bad at either letting it drop, or taking my gripes up with the offending person. Of course, once I've blown off steam, I'm a lot more tactful and diplomatic. Ergo, people who have opinions ought to think a little bit longer and harder than the other type before they speak what's on their minds.

I understand it's a fairly Asian attitude, this reticence. That's fine by me. Being a mixed breed myself, I can see the benefits of the Western concept of broad-minded thinking, tempered with the more reserved judgement of an Asian.

Back to the offending small-minded peanut who got my blood boiling, and his offensive-to-everyone mail.

You can't blame people for having a blog and publicly writing what they think. You can't STOP them. You can't have them kicked out of a Club or Society for having the temerity to OWN a blog. You cannot tell everyone that such people should be treated like Pariahs.

Or you can think it, and say it. But DON'T expect to affect a change based on those flimsy opinions.

I'm quite ticked really. It was a public attack, ergo it requires a public response. Let me blog how I feel. I'd like to see if this Offensive Emailer dares tell me to MY FACE what I can or cannot do.

In other news:

The current proggie I'm taking part in is on a back-burner in my mind. I can't seem to muster up the enthusiasm to memorize, which is truly bad of me. I KNOW I'm supposed to have had all my words down pat like two weeks ago. I can't help it. It's a mental block of tremendous proportions ;) I shall attempt to memorize by tomorrow, although God knows what good cramming is going to do *rolls eyes*.

Ah well. All this excitement has at least helped me get over my blues. Which is a good thing.

Thursday, November 11

The Incredibles

The Incredibles was simply, INCREDIBLE!! :)

I'm so glad I got those preview tix, and we (Minnie-person and I) had AWESOME seats. 3rd row from the back, dead center. Hahahahaha! So cool! Anyway, I STRONGLY recommend everyone to go watch it. It wasn't slapstick humor so much as it was more stuff that's related to everyday living. Being a wife myself, I found some of the more humorous situations reflecting really closely to the things I've said and done. Hahahaha!

The last bit where we find out Baby Jack-jack's super power's cool too :)

Anyway, that's enough of a teaser...y'all go get your tix NOW! :)

Tuesday, November 9

On A Local Driver....

I was driving home from choir practice, and turned a corner at the traffic light, when I had to stomp on the brakes. This Mercedes 230 had made a sudden turn out of his lane, and intending to cut into mine. This being the month for tolerance to the rest of humanity, I decided to not push forward, and waved at him to continue. For a long moment, he just stayed in that position, appearing unsure of whether to proceed or not. A few more insistent waves, and he finally decided to move along. Without a wave of thanks, I might add.

I'd noticed the left lane, which the Merc driver was on, was lined with cars laying by, wanting to make quick-dash purchases from the stalls that were hastily set up along the kerb. The only lane with moving traffic was mine. So I start to step on the gas, as my position is rather awkward. We were stoppering up the entry from the other 2 sides of the T-junction. The E230 driver, I shall now name him Asshole, suddenly stops a few yards ahead, without signalling, pops the boot, gets out the door and strolls around to load some stuff from one of the stall vendors.

Hello? No thanks for not making a fuss about his totally inconsiderate change of lanes, stopping DEAD in a busy street, with more cars pouring in from all sides, a shit-faced glare of contempt for my dilapidated old 1991 Honda Accord (obviously, Japanese car drivers don't rank anywhere in his book of people to show courtesy to), add the fact that a WOMAN was driving said dilapidated Honda Accord, his lackadaisical attitude towards the honking that was starting to crescendo behind me, and the pile-up he was causing.

I want it on record that I'm NOT racist, but I'm going to say that this particular indian driver of middle age was probably the MOST annoying asshole I've ever had the misfortune to come across. The whole attitude reeked of: This is my grandfather's road, I've got more money than you, OBVIOUSLY, and I have more right to do whatever the HECK I want because I feel like it.

I also want it on record that his E230 was a 10-12 year old? model. So he was just an asshole. There.

If I ever see him again, I'm going to run over his toes with my nice, sturdy German Volkswagen Beetle, model 1303, year 1975, then when he's bent forward in pain and agony, I'm going to throw it in reverse and flatten his head! Hah!!!

Thursday, October 28

Movie Night and Some Other Schitt.

I watched "Taxi" with Minnie-Person. Loved the action. I know, it wasn't "The Fast n' the Furious" or some shite, but hey. It's a lot nicer when traffic's involved ;) Hehehe. But there were a few scenes when the thought "Hey, we drive like that regularly in KL" crossed my mind :p

I didn't swim with Empress. My bad. I had my suit on, and the nice manager-lady at the Sweat Club did me a favor by letting me in without my having to produce a pass or anything. Of course, I'm thoroughly embarassed that I haven't paid up my dues for the next year ;) Ah well. After Raya.

Anyways (and yes, I realise I say that a lot), listening to the great Ella Fitzgerald herself. Damn, that woman can scat! :)

Had a very enlightening convo with my teacher. On, what else? Classical vs. Modern (in this case, jazz) :) I've been getting off easy these past two lessons, due to the puasa month. Dang, it's tiring to try keep your diaphragm inflated when you're just so tired. I know, it's wussy, and it's truly not THAT bad. I'm just lazy, and add to the fact that I've been running on 4 hours of sleep a night the past couple of weeks (I've got the luggage to prove it!!), well...I'm glad fasting gives me a handy excuse :p

Back to the convo during class: Here's a sample.

"...I know my diaphragm is collapsing...I'm just..." (wiggle body to express utter blah'ness) "..dunno! Tired!"

"Aiyo! You-ah!! Always so critical. Before you even get to the end of the exercise, you already quit, think so critically of your sound!"

"I know, I know!! I can't help it!" (fidget some more, mostly in frustrated embarrassment now).

"And about jazz. Classical and jazz is the Same Thing!!"

"Okay, I know, I know...but here's the thing" (hold up three fingers on the right hand), "I need a good technique, speed, and creativity."

Hold up the left hand: "Classical has the technique. Right?"

I get an affirmative nod and this eye-rolling glance that says a whole volume of "Duh!!!" in it.

"Okay, I got speed, I got creativity...I don't have technique. So I learn from you lah!! But if I try to add technique now, I can't be fast OR creative. How? I know lah...once I get it right, I'll add that last bit in. BUT NOT YET!"

And FINALLY we're communicating, because she says "Aiyo!! That's what I'm trying to tell you!!"

And here I am going, "You are??? I was trying to say that too!!!"

Hahaha!! I love my lessons. To quote the lady: "I like you as a person, but I HATE you as a student!", hahahahaha!!! :) It's really nice to have a teacher who doesn't tell you to shut up and just DO. I've enjoyed my classes a lot more with the teachers I had AFTER I came out of the first college. Teachers whom you can actually discuss the theory of the technique with, who do understand that some people work better with a map in their minds.

Of course, I realize I drive my teachers nuts with my questions, because I don't show results when they give me answers. But I take a while to process my thoughts *shrug*....can't help it if 'a while' can range from a few weeks to months ;)

But hey! Thinking works for me. What's wrong with that??

Got a call to do some show thingy involving kids. From my sister's friend. But since she woke me up in the middle of a much-needed nap, and she mentioned kids at a time when my brain couldn't handle it, I declined most politely. Which reminds me, anyone interested? If I heard correctly, the part requires some singing. I gotta double-check, but that's not a problem. Also, it's for Christmas I think. I didn't even ask what it was about, but I _am_ sort of committed to the Christmas program, so that's another reason to say no.

Anyway, this post has taken ages to type. I'm actually moving around on SWMUD. I can't believe it. Being a clannie kind of puts you in action I guess. *shrug* I'm publishing, before I hit anymore snag delays. Har.

Monday, October 25

I'm BACK!!!

So I've not been keeping up with my blogspotting. Sue me. Erm...on second thoughts, I just remembered. I know someone who -could-, so I'm going to retract that real graceful, like :p

What 'm I feeling? I dunno. Maybe a few residual urges to run head-first at top speed into a convenient wall? Or the need to just close my eyes, and whack my palm against my forehead, while chanting "Stupid, stupid, stupid" like the mantra to end all mantras? Yeth....I think I'll do both until I forget why I'm trying to knock my brains out through my ass.

I'd been...umm...working on memorizing my words. Well, minus a few mental blocks (and I actually have a lot more of those than I can remember, heh heh), I thought I had my lines down pat. I've always worried more about forgetting my lines, than I worry about embarrassing myself by acting really stupid on stage. Probably because I'm the butt of a lot of jokes off-stage as well, so it's not a problem anymore :p Forgetting LINES though...oh lordie!!! *fans self* I could go on and on about the backflips and sommersaults my tummy does when I think about bungling a line.

Anyway, to wind my way back to the point, I'm just saying that in order to get over stage-fright, I try to wipe my brain clear of my worries. In this case, lyrics :p

So, Night Une, I get on-stage, sing tentatively, don't miss a single word, forget to be musical, and come off sounding lame. Fair enough. Night Deux, I loosen up a little bit more, words still okay, rhythm picks up. Still in semi-control, and just about fed-up with not knowing why in heck I'm not getting in touch with the music.

Night Trois rolls around, and I just about go on-stage comatose, and just ready to Not Give A Fuck *tm*, so I swing up (rather like in preparation to crack some heads with a wooden baseball bat), start off, then about halfway through the BRIDGE, realise I've actually fucked up on verse two!! HAHAHAHAHA!! Realization coming late and all that, I totter to the ending, and get ready to sing song number two, when about two seconds into Verse One, I forget the lines!!! The lines, in fact, that I can sing IN MY SLEEP!!!! How's that for fucky???

So while staring in amused horror, and humming sideways into the mic at my (probably) equally amused accompanist (bless her!!), while seriously considering stopping the music so I could start fresh, it hit me that calling a halt right then would not just be the ultimate gaffe, but I'd committed myself to the rhythm. So swing on we did, the pair of us. I'd gone so deep into the Don't Give A Fuck *tm* state-of-mind, it was a blur of sound and a serious lack of restraint.

I still can't believe I'd let go of my concentration, to the point that I couldn't find my words!!! My words!!! Aaaargh!!

I don't think I can keep doing this. Everytime something to this effect happens, I start to think fondly of a full time desk job, pushing paper around, answering tedious phone calls, and catching cat naps when nobody's looking. Aha. *cough*. Hrm. I still might do that, in fact. I'm not getting anywhere musically.

On other matters: Watched the Wayans' Brothers' latest effort, "White Chicks" at GSC MV. With hubby. Hehe. Like the man says:" It's good fun, total no-brainer." Well, I liked it. Wouldn't watch it again. At least the hamming was at a minimum, which made the movie a little bit less embarrassing to watch. Haha. Would recommend it if you need some cheering up. It's really a good laugh.

Plan: Watch Resident Evil 2, Dodgeball, catch Joel Schumacher's upcoming The Phantom of The Opera (lovely trailer!!!) and most definitely haul Da Doll with me to catch A Shark Tale. Ha! So many movies to watch....nobody to go with! Boo-hoo!

Anyway, that-time-of-the-month is over, and I'm raring to go. Puasa, that is. Body's definitely saying: time for a change again! :) Which also led me to the high-tech'ish reception desk of the Sweat Club MV to check if my membership was still active. Suspended (hallelujah!!! No need to pay the joining fee again!), and which ended October 1st. Which means every month I _DON'T_ pay from that point is added up to the tally for when I finally _DO_ pay. Ahahaha. *cough* I think I'll take the one-year plan if I can afford it next month. Any DV'ian is welcome to use up my monthly passes (a grand total of TWO! :p), if they like.

Okay, done. I'm updated, my burdened soul is cleansed *cough!!*, and Pratchett's 'Maskerade' beckons! Lalalalalalalalaaaaaa!!

Monday, September 20



Finished up practice at MAB somewhat early (considering!!!), then had to wait 10 minutes for Suz to be interviewed by the documentary production crew. Locked up, then thought about grabbing a bite. So...hey, it's just after 10pm, and I want something really quick, yes? So I decide to drive through Burger King's.

Ponder the menu...lalala...well, mostly just stared at the drool-worthy pictures. I already know what I I drive up to the counter and place in an order for the mushroom swiss double, _no_ cheese.

The girl goes: "That will be $7.87 ma'am."

"What?!"...shock! Disbelief! "Did you say _SEVEN_ dollars?"

"Yes, ma'am" the counter girl politely tells me.

I do a double-take...TRIPLE the huge menu board in front of me. But for the life of me, I just can't see the stated price because the board, while big, is mostly dominated by the pictures, with tiny fonts for the menu proper. Had to take the girl at her word, and produced the requisite change, and grabbed the receipt to double check.

Nope. A mushroom swiss double (NO cheese) goes for $7.87, plus tax. I didn't hear it wrong. What the heck? And right in front of me is a sign proclaiming that a small-sized meal is going for $7.90. _Should_ of gotten the damned set after all.

I'm seriously shocked. Seriously. BK has no call raising their prices, when their burgers aren't any bigger. It's not like the mushroom swiss is Whopper sized. No. It's REGULAR sized. And a tad (and a half) dry to boot. And without the cheese taste to mask its faults, the burger is basically: Crap. C' least make a price deduction on the price of the two slices of cheese they DIDN'T put in my burger right? But no...Crap, I tell you.

I'd complain, but I think it's silly. No, I think I'll stick to a Whopper meal the next time, or avoid BK altogether. How disappointing.

Thursday, September 16

My 6th Wedding Anniversary

Woke up feeling blah, cuz you know...6 years of marriage, and no hubby to celebrate with. Dragged myself out of bed with great difficulty (personally, I think it's just cuz I'm overweight. Nothing to do with depression :p) and had Da Doll carted off to school.

Called hubby right after I got back, gave him the anniversary greeting. Got even more depressed and stopped right after the "I love you"'s and got ready for La Goddess to pick me up. Didn't know where we were headed, much less why. Arrived in the back of beyond to pull some obscure item (singular!!) out of deep storage. Hahaha!!!

First joke: The owner of the storage facility is so skint, he cut off the electricity in the storage sheds. All well and good if you have a flashlight, or plenty of sunlight. So, the joke is: we had neither! Bwahahahaha!! Well, except for my little purple Solitaire. Hehehe.

Second joke: the place is SO dusty, I was right on the verge of a massive asthma attack with no ventolin inhaler on my person. Ye gods!!!! The CLOUDS of dust!!!!

Third joke: We stood around, poking around in the dark, trying to get the guys who worked there to start moving things around and open this one crate. Boy, did that take a while before someone responded. Genius. Sheer genius :) I find it both a source of irritation as well as amusement that people can stand around looking important, and not lift a finger to get things done. Well, that was the staff at the storage facility for you. No organization skills whatsover.

That being said, I guess I was a little short with them...(should I say: bossy?) cuz at the rate we were going, we'd have ended up not leaving for a whole hour. Silly, really. Especially since I was worried about not being able to pick Da Doll up in time. AND it wasn't my place to give orders (heck...I'm not the one whose company owns the junk...sorry Beebs!!).

Well, we made it out there in record time once things started moving, and even had time for lunch. Got back with plenty of time to spare to fetch Da Doll. La Goddess sent us both home, whereupon I fell on my bed in exhaustion (no clue why) and slept til half past three.

Called hubby before collecting Da Doll to go for a house visit. Was told by the receptionist that he'd taken a halfie. A halfie? Tried calling him repeatedly over the next two hours without any luck. Perma-busy signal. *sigh*. Around 6pm, finally got a reply from him saying he was at home.

And I was like "whose home?"

"I dunno. I'm looking at Queen of Sorcery", he says.

*blink blink*

"Queen of Sorcery? [take about 2 minutes to process through the checklist of books in his room] Hey!!!! That's my room!! You're home?"

"Yah...when you coming home?" he goes.

And I'm like: "You're HOME and you didn't tell me???"

So there I was, in the middle of class, scolding the poor man who'd tried so hard to be home for our anniversary. He'd driven (ridden??) the bike all the way down the highway. Went too fast and had to push the bike partway to the nearest Shell station cuz he'd run out of fuel. Hahahaha! Hilarious!!!

Tried really hard not to cut the lesson short right there to dash home. But the minute I was out of class, I sped home. And promptly spent about one hour trying to decide between the two of us, where the best place to celebrate would be.


"No...too boring.."

"Gimme a clue what you feel like eating?"

"umm...could go mamak. Chili's. CPK...?"

"Aiya. No. This is special. Some hotel someplace?"

*glance at the clock, which reads 8:30pm*

"Uh...lotsa places gonna close by the time we get there. Where to go ah?"

"Uh...I dunno. You tell me?"

"Uh...can't decide...You tell me?"

And on and on. You get the picture ;) Finally, hit on going to Cafe Cafe down by Dewan Pustaka. Remembered I desperately wanted to try the desserts, since I didn't get to the last time I was there.

I'd go on about my beautiful dinner. But I need to go swim. Suffice to say, it was absolutely perfect. We sat at a table next to a French couple. They were a lot sappier than we were, and didn't spare the time to laugh at our tacky surfie shirts-and-scruffy-pants combos, unlike the other well-dressed patrons. Frankly, I didn't care. We're paying customers, right? So okay, we bypassed the winelist and settled for juice. So what? I've sworn off alcohol. So we didn't have any meaningful and witty dinner-time conversation, and yet managed to enjoy ourselves. I'll bet I had more fun scarfing down my meal, than the girl two tables away with her rich boyfriend, who pecked at her food because she had to watch her figure :)

Hehehe. Yes, I'm evil.

Hubby left early this morning. Six am, to be exact. And I find it just SO romantic, that he surprised me by dashing home for just a few hours, to take me to a lovely dinner. Well, lovely because of the whole idea, really. That he'd make the effort. So sweet! *swoon* Here's hoping we make it another 60 years together. But no more dashing down the highway at 200km per hour. It's just not safe. Maybe take the plane next time? Heck, maybe next year it would be my turn to make The Grand Romantic Gesture. But for now...I've really got to get to work on my swimming. I'm so tubby, I'd need about 10 minutes to squeeze into my suit :)


Friday, September 10


My alter-ego is an ebil biyatch *nod* :)

Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku
WandBirch, 10", Dragon Heartstring
Best CourseHistory of Magic
Worst CourseAncient Runes
PetBarred Owl
Quidditch JobKeeper
Wizard CandyTon-Tongue Toffee
Profession After SchoolDeath Eater
Quiz created with MemeGen!

But I really am -not- ;)

Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku
WandEbony, 10", Unicorn Hair
Best CourseCharms
Worst CourseHerbology
PetSpotted Owl
Quidditch JobChaser
Wizard CandyCockroach Cluster
Profession After SchoolProfessional Quidditch Player
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Dahahaha! Obviously, I can't post this anywhere but here cuz. Wotta funny memegen :)

Monday, September 6


So...I'm sitting in my room, on my dalmatian-spotted (and furred!!!) pouffe-stool thingy, facing my white iMac G4, with a pair of Oakley Twenties (Fire-lenses, polarized...can see color one!!) protecting my ultra-sensitive, ultra-baggy eyes. Oh me, oh me!

The accumulated dust of six months is on just about everything (except my clothes, which get cycled/chucked/tossed/used everyday), and half my books. Well, the half that I pick up and read anyway.

The Darned Cat (tm) has, over the months, torn a good-sized hole in my mosquito screen, which of COURSE allows the mosquitoes to come in and have a good meal on me...Which I find rather defeats the purpose of having a bloody mosquito screen in the first place, yes?

So here I am, the freak in the floral blue-on-blue night shorts, Esprit tank (colored dung-brown), and my trusty shades...trying to type, and whap mosquitoes at the same time. It's a chore to be me, I can tell you. Fashion disaster, mosquito hater, Macintosh User (I hear that's quite a freaky feat on its own in these 'ere parts, Jacobias!!).

I'm probably not quite in touch with my feminine side. You know, the one that craves cleanliness and order. And if you think I'm implying that males are pigs, you're probably right. Of late however, I've discovered a certain fascination for that fantastic creation called the Lipstick. It comes in all sorts of colors (although I favor the ice blue and shimmery green), and tastes funny when you eat it off. But not to fear! For a lump sum, there's more where that came from. So you just re-apply that gunk, let your lips dry up, then eat it off again. Cool.

Where was I?

It's so easy to get side-tracked when you don't actually have a point to make.

Anyway, the mosquito is dead, the fan's blowing in the wrong direction (I've found that a standing fan blowing at top speed generally keeps the mozzies off me, which is why I have two running at the same time to combat the invasion that swoop through the hole in my screen), my shades are giving me a headache (I think), and I'm hungry!

Hunger = bad. Simply, in this case, because I had a lot to eat at 5pm.

I'm done babbling. It's so cathartic to not make sense when you don't want to. Really. I recommend it :)

Friday, September 3

Making Excuses?

Old age. That's the best one I can think of. Laziness would be the next best thing I can come up with.

I mean: I know I like "mindlessly bobbing" around to loud music. I know I enjoy good company, good friends and don't need alcohol to have fun. So...why didn't I join the gals tonight?

Simple. I can't...won't...enter That Place ever again. Ever. First time there? Fell asleep on one of the couches in the lounge upstairs. Second time there? Ended up NOT getting a chance to dance, had a friend spew his ever-loving guts all over the floor (and over my shoes), then had to cut the party short to take him home. Third time there, played bodyguard to the ladies. Ended up not having much fun, and sitting the night out by the outdoor fountain. Fourth time there? Ended up by the fountain again, spent half the night there and couldn't even enjoy the music. No thanks. Really.

No offense intended.

I've decided that if a place affects me so negatively, I'd be wiser not going. Instead of plunking down my $35 to get a drink I don't want, to sit in a place I can't stand, to listen to music I don't like, spun by a DJ I can't NOT want to punch the living daylights out of...

Am I bitching? No. I think the lack is in me. Everyone else has fun, but I can't seem to. I think I feel a lot more ancient these days. There's a word for people like me. Party Pooper. Killjoy. I'm really sorry, to all my friends out there. It's not your company that I don't enjoy. I guess it's the fact that I myself don't know what makes me happy anymore.

I guess I'd like to sit down one day, and just talk about the universe. And let the conversation build from there. I love a nice heated argument. On the hows, the whys...I love speculating on things. Myth, Logic, Wild Theories. Give me a nice open-ended argument. I could really sink my teeth into something like that.

Maybe it's because I feel that if I can justify a point, I can justify just about -anything- to myself. Call me silly. But I really enjoyed those conversations I had in the park at night, with friends. We'd smoke a pack each, watch the moon rise and set, bring up everything and anything, fight over it...move on, and feel invincible and self-righteous. All those years ago. Young, stupid, arrogant. But happy! I can't ever forget that I was happy!

I love quiet group times. When people get together and talk about themselves. About hopes, dreams. Listening to other people's inner desires really makes me feel so...content. It's like: I feel more energized..ready to take on the world even, when I understand a little bit more about what drives the people around me. How their hearts and heads conflict, and how they resolve, or deal with it. It's so...inspiring!

I've always loved the role of observer. You listen. And listen. And then the brain just starts running off, trying to think up solutions. Imagining scenarios. I like that. I like thinking of solutions. I like getting pissed off when people don't see what I see. I like yelling solutions out at the top of my lungs. It's so satisfying. Nevermind if the solution is not the correct one. So what? Using your brain to skip a few steps ahead can be really enervating.

I guess I'd really just like to take my life down some different bend. Just...I don't know. Retrace my steps, find out what fulfills me. Don't get me wrong. I've cherished each and every moment I've had with the friends I have. But people move on. And not everyone travels in the same direction. And not for long, either. I guess my direction's so wonky right now. I just want to go back to a time when I knew what was in my heart. And then I'd be able to move forward again.

Can't move forward now. I'm so stuck.

Isn't that a good thing to do though? I've always channeled myself towards the music. I've passed, failed, excelled in my exams. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly. *shrug* I'm not even very good at what I do, because I'm lazy. Although being lazy has its benefits. In a roundabout way, I find that it's helped my sight reading, and it's fantastic for improvising ;) Seriously though. I'm not happy with my music. I'm happy performing. But simply practicing isn't doing it for me. I have no drive, no ambition whatsoever in that direction. It's galling to think I've channeled myself in so futile a direction.

And that's why I need to head backwards. Backtrack. Take a deep breath, and face the fact that I've got no skill, no talent, no aptitude in what I'm currently doing. And then find out what I -CAN- do. I've been looking at it all wrong, haven't I? Yes, I think I have.

Anyway, this started out as an explanation to why I'm such a boring old stick. And degenerated to some lame sob story. Boo-hoo. Poor me. Pat, pat. There there. Bah. Lame. I'm going to GET UP. AND FIGURE IT OUT. In the meantime, I'm still apologizing for being a party pooper. Y'all know who I'm apologizing to. If you don't, then you're not the one I've wronged, are you :p

Night :)

For The Goddess

An offering most humble, yer Divinityship!!!

You Should Date An Australian!

You're a down to earth, outdoorsy kind of girl

And you need a guy who can keep up with your adventures

A rugged Austrailian guy is just your style

Better start learning how to surf!

Which Foreign Guy Should You Date? Take This Quiz :-)

Here's a thought: Take the quiz...could help you narrow down your choices? Too bad my One And Only isn't anywhere near Aussie ;) Much less a native!!! But hey, I'm weird...go for it :)

Thursday, September 2


Not really, no. Well, somewhat. I can't change the comments' title too much, as it's a perma-templated thingy. (Did I say that right?) But I'm holding off on Haloscan for the moment because I'd prefer to only allow registered users to comment on my blog. Sorry!!! :D

Anyway, I've left my Livejournal open, because, as The Goddess puts it, there's ~HISTORY~ in there. Of course, I could transfer the whole thing here in chunks. But my god!!! What a CHUNK!!! So, there it stays. Anyway, it's got all these important references. You when it's time to start dragging out the pregnancy kit and stuff....


So there. On to IMPORTANT things!!


As a Gryffindor and as an SFP, you are adventurous,
impulsive, and value heroic deeds. You enjoy
moving from one challenge to the next, and are
risk-taking, adaptable, and pragmatic. Since
you value freedom and spontaneity, you dislike
structure and may bend rules that you feel are
too stifling. When faced with a practical
problem, you approach it with courage,
flexibility, and resourcefulness. You are
warm, friendly, easy-going, and tactful, and
you are tolerant of other people.

Hogwarts Sorting Hat: Based on Myers-Briggs Personality Typing
brought to you by Quizilla

Interesting way of doing a quiz, by the way. The usual ones have some fairly random (and bizarre) questions/answers. Fun though :) Thanks to Exchequer for paving the way :)

Anyway, SO done here. Gotta figure out what other funny things I wanna add to my blog :D

What in heck was I thinking???

One moment, I was reading my email. The next, I'd made the (rash?) decision to hop on the bandwagon. and get me a blogger account! Way to go, me!!! :)

But other journal is pretty dead. I am! Ta-dah!!! [insert blaring fanfare here, please]

Anyway, I'm messing around with this thing. Phew!! It's not for dummies, that's for sure. I'm fairly sure I'm falling into the dummy category, but I shall persevere! Wheeee! :)