Monday, August 27

Wow, We Made It To Klang!

So, the Wicked Pitches made it to Klang... 2007, Baby! And we didn't even have to bring our visas along. Or passports. Or whatnot :) The hall, located in the really sexy and glitzy Centro building, was very very impressive. Sam even took pictures of the loo, he was so impressed :D Hehehe.

I'm not gonna captionize these. It was a big hall, it was full of people, and it went fairly okay. 'nuff said :)

Most of the pictures were taken on Mimi's camera. So... these are the best I can come up with. Plus camwhoring photos of the hubby and I.... :)

Okie, time to log off. Gotta piano lesson in 20 minutes :D

1 comment:

Beeched said...

hubby back issit? no wonder ur never online. :p

enjoy ze time with your man!
