Wednesday, August 22

Gwen @ Stadium Putra's a recap from last night. I was on assignment for Kakiseni's Tembak Shots... the assignment? To check out just how many malays and malaysians had a problem with our disintegrating morality...

  1. I really hadn't planned on going.
  2. Apparently, Fate had other designs on my karma...
  3. I went. To take pictures. Of protesters... who never turned up. Duh.
  4. Maybe these guys were the reason why they didn't :p

  5. I was there from 5:30pm. Read that. FIVE THIRTY PM!! Malaysians just don't know how to party anymore :(
  6. I got approached 5 times by the Hotlink people... this is me and Cathy after about the 4th time...

  7. To prove I was already bored, and that I was there really's me and my timestamp:

  8. What I call the M&M suite...fuck me, it was super-boring waiting for protesters to appear. I even went up to one RELA dude to ask if anything had happened before I'd arrived. RELA didn't know anything either. Duh, man. So, boredom spate = silly pic.

  9. I saw BART SIMPSON!!! *hums the SpiderPig theme public*

  10. Time passed (slowly) I took more inane pictures. On this night, Ma Nature lost to the Hotlink Moons...

  11. Organizers were chumps. There were LONG LINES outside and it was already 8:45. Hello? Concert starts @ 8:30!! I bumped into Amelia and family, who apparently was in line early, but had to skip to another line because when they got to the entrance, they were told they were in the wrong line. Hello...when the line is so damned long, who can see where the right entrance is? Especially when the signs are so small. Duh :p

  12. The stadium, filling up... tickets were by no means sold out, and being cheap, most everyone was sitting in the upper tiers. Me, I wasn't there for fun, and truthfully, I really wanted to stay home and play Sims 2.

  13. Malaysians are downloaders. Of which I am one... but since we mostly download hits, half the concert went over the heads of most everyone. C'mon, people! Go bone up on your stars before you catch them in action! Check this one out, taking videos and recording the action...

  14. The picture I took to prove I was there...*sigh*... by the way, security and staff were standing next to me. Nobody stopped me taking this picture, in spite of the signs they posted up. If they'd intended a proper security check, they should've started letting people in earlier... as it was, one dude in front of me actually smuggled in his CAMERA. As I was told my phone cam wouldn't be confiscated, I felt free to take (and publish) this picture. But mostly, I will add, I took pictures of what our dear old Malaysians were up to... as per my assignment :)

  15. Hubby got to watch Gwen's Wind It Up with me via 3G... go, Maxis!! :D
  16. I went home after the second song of the encore. Cuz I'm old and lame that way.

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