A Week In Retrospect...(Photo Heavy Post Part I)
Like, nobody reads this blog, I don't think :) But here're pics of my week... well, starting from the point where I got my new camera. Hubby was so sweet :) I got shtuffs!! Majorly!! Also, shamelessly asked if I could hop in (at the ELEVENTH HOUR, OKAY?!?!?!) for a song at Jazz@Southbridge... I think I embarrassed myself a little, but I can now strike that off my To-Do List... Hehehe :D
NOT in order, but with related captionizing....:DOur lovely hosts, Alex and Angie...newlyweds (relatively!) and mushy with it :)
TAS' new home...cozy!
NANU, Angie's group... She heads up The A-Cappella Society of Singapore :)
Sculpture (The black one, not the dude in green) on Boat Quay...Quirky, eh?
A manual test shot taken with my new Sony... This was outside the City Hall MRT Station.
Celebratory supper @ Lau Pa Sat, some glam'd up mamak street for tourists, that was located near the Theatre.
A shot of my goodies. Hubby had really showered me with gifts :D
A trip to Singapore has some obligations. One is to Ben & Jerry's, bless them :) These are the seats at the outlet in VivoCity.
Da Doll had been pining for these. She'd dropped the notion after a while, but when I saw these on sale, I just had to snag them up :)
Key Elements (Singapore), SJ Tone (Korea) and The Wicked Pitches (Malaysia) in a merrily murderous mood :)
A muslim grave yard, directly across the swanky new VivoCity mall...
Here's something to ponder, in spite of the clean loo frenzy in Singapore...
I present to you...the Dodgiest Loo in Singapore!!
Our hotel, gleefully pronounced by Allan as a Fuck Shop *tm*... Me, I had no complaints (eventually)... the loo works, the rooms are clean, there's no prevalent stench in the air, breakfast was adequate, and it's actually a block away from VivoCity (we didn't find this out until Day 4). Also, there's a bus stop that connects us to most everything in Singapore just down the road a ways...
Day 5 (or was it 4?) we decided to walk to VivoCity from our hotel. That's Kampong Bharu Road, Harbourfront-bound.
The view from the Peach Garden restaurant, located in the OCBC Centre on Chulia Street, a block over from Boat Quay. Lovely view :)
While waiting @ the Harbourfront Plaza (which, incidentally, seamlessly connects to VivoCity via a walkway) for the Aeroline to depart, we shopped for gifts, and finally tried out Godiva's infamous Chocolixir... Hubby stoned out on it, as did I. It was orgasmic :)
More test shots. The ceiling of my room.
Ben & Jerry's!!! Yum!!
1 comment:
just cause it flushes, doesn't qualify it as a toilet.
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