Thursday, August 31

49 Years, and a day of bummin' around...

Malaysia celebrates its 49th year of Independence today. Does it feel different from any other day in the year? Only the increased number of people in the house, and the constant buzz of activity, makes today seem like it is...

Most days, I get the house to myself while the sun's still high-in-the-sky.

The WP are having a day-time rehearsal. That starts in another hour and change, btw. And since it's at Nige's place, I reckon I'm gonna head out early with my cam, take a leisurely stroll. I don't wanna work up a sweat just yet. It's not nice to walk into a roomful of people smelling..har.

I skipped my day at the gym today. Hello?? It's Merdeka day! What're the odds that MV will be crawling with people who just haven't a clue what to do with their day off?? :p Anyways, I slept late Sim'ing...I get so caught up, I swear....

Anyway, there's this sense of unreality to the day. There's so much to do. A roomful of dust, grime and 4 months of accumulated knick-knacks to clear and put away. There are books to sort and read, and fuckin' 'eck... I got a call yesterday from my local bookstore telling me I'd won a Jim Brickman autographed book.

I'm hoping it's a music book, and not some autobiography, because...sorry, I'm just not a fan of Jim Brickman. But I'm always open to adding scores to my music library :) I've become an absolute fiend with hubby's $$.... the first thing I'll get is books. The second thing I'll get is books. And then the third thing I'll get is books. After that, I'll pick up whatever else catches my fancy.

Chalk it up to years of supressing my desires. Whatever it is, whether I'm spending his money or mine, my priority will always be the printed word. And printed music. Isn't that wonky? The bad thing about this is: I'm constantly loaning my books out, and not keeping a record of who has what.

I've lost many a book this way.

It's not the lending that bothers me, it's the fact that I don't get them back simply because I don't know who has what, so I can't call people to get my stuff back. And besides music, there are stories I love to read and re-read, nevermind that the trash factor breaks the scale at 13... (we're talking 1 to 10 here)...

Okay, I'm done ranting about that. It's my own absent-mindedness after all.

Note to self: Keep Riesling and Godivas safe for hubby's return this Sunday. Whee :D

1 comment:

Beeched said...

how did the vino and choccies go down with the hubby?
