Thursday, September 16

My 6th Wedding Anniversary

Woke up feeling blah, cuz you know...6 years of marriage, and no hubby to celebrate with. Dragged myself out of bed with great difficulty (personally, I think it's just cuz I'm overweight. Nothing to do with depression :p) and had Da Doll carted off to school.

Called hubby right after I got back, gave him the anniversary greeting. Got even more depressed and stopped right after the "I love you"'s and got ready for La Goddess to pick me up. Didn't know where we were headed, much less why. Arrived in the back of beyond to pull some obscure item (singular!!) out of deep storage. Hahaha!!!

First joke: The owner of the storage facility is so skint, he cut off the electricity in the storage sheds. All well and good if you have a flashlight, or plenty of sunlight. So, the joke is: we had neither! Bwahahahaha!! Well, except for my little purple Solitaire. Hehehe.

Second joke: the place is SO dusty, I was right on the verge of a massive asthma attack with no ventolin inhaler on my person. Ye gods!!!! The CLOUDS of dust!!!!

Third joke: We stood around, poking around in the dark, trying to get the guys who worked there to start moving things around and open this one crate. Boy, did that take a while before someone responded. Genius. Sheer genius :) I find it both a source of irritation as well as amusement that people can stand around looking important, and not lift a finger to get things done. Well, that was the staff at the storage facility for you. No organization skills whatsover.

That being said, I guess I was a little short with them...(should I say: bossy?) cuz at the rate we were going, we'd have ended up not leaving for a whole hour. Silly, really. Especially since I was worried about not being able to pick Da Doll up in time. AND it wasn't my place to give orders (heck...I'm not the one whose company owns the junk...sorry Beebs!!).

Well, we made it out there in record time once things started moving, and even had time for lunch. Got back with plenty of time to spare to fetch Da Doll. La Goddess sent us both home, whereupon I fell on my bed in exhaustion (no clue why) and slept til half past three.

Called hubby before collecting Da Doll to go for a house visit. Was told by the receptionist that he'd taken a halfie. A halfie? Tried calling him repeatedly over the next two hours without any luck. Perma-busy signal. *sigh*. Around 6pm, finally got a reply from him saying he was at home.

And I was like "whose home?"

"I dunno. I'm looking at Queen of Sorcery", he says.

*blink blink*

"Queen of Sorcery? [take about 2 minutes to process through the checklist of books in his room] Hey!!!! That's my room!! You're home?"

"Yah...when you coming home?" he goes.

And I'm like: "You're HOME and you didn't tell me???"

So there I was, in the middle of class, scolding the poor man who'd tried so hard to be home for our anniversary. He'd driven (ridden??) the bike all the way down the highway. Went too fast and had to push the bike partway to the nearest Shell station cuz he'd run out of fuel. Hahahaha! Hilarious!!!

Tried really hard not to cut the lesson short right there to dash home. But the minute I was out of class, I sped home. And promptly spent about one hour trying to decide between the two of us, where the best place to celebrate would be.


"No...too boring.."

"Gimme a clue what you feel like eating?"

"umm...could go mamak. Chili's. CPK...?"

"Aiya. No. This is special. Some hotel someplace?"

*glance at the clock, which reads 8:30pm*

"Uh...lotsa places gonna close by the time we get there. Where to go ah?"

"Uh...I dunno. You tell me?"

"Uh...can't decide...You tell me?"

And on and on. You get the picture ;) Finally, hit on going to Cafe Cafe down by Dewan Pustaka. Remembered I desperately wanted to try the desserts, since I didn't get to the last time I was there.

I'd go on about my beautiful dinner. But I need to go swim. Suffice to say, it was absolutely perfect. We sat at a table next to a French couple. They were a lot sappier than we were, and didn't spare the time to laugh at our tacky surfie shirts-and-scruffy-pants combos, unlike the other well-dressed patrons. Frankly, I didn't care. We're paying customers, right? So okay, we bypassed the winelist and settled for juice. So what? I've sworn off alcohol. So we didn't have any meaningful and witty dinner-time conversation, and yet managed to enjoy ourselves. I'll bet I had more fun scarfing down my meal, than the girl two tables away with her rich boyfriend, who pecked at her food because she had to watch her figure :)

Hehehe. Yes, I'm evil.

Hubby left early this morning. Six am, to be exact. And I find it just SO romantic, that he surprised me by dashing home for just a few hours, to take me to a lovely dinner. Well, lovely because of the whole idea, really. That he'd make the effort. So sweet! *swoon* Here's hoping we make it another 60 years together. But no more dashing down the highway at 200km per hour. It's just not safe. Maybe take the plane next time? Heck, maybe next year it would be my turn to make The Grand Romantic Gesture. But for now...I've really got to get to work on my swimming. I'm so tubby, I'd need about 10 minutes to squeeze into my suit :)


1 comment:

Going-Solo said...

sweet, i'm melting away. yes, i hope to hear about your 60th annivernsary in future....sweet of him to put in effort to show a little feelings.

moved. speechless.