Monday, September 20



Finished up practice at MAB somewhat early (considering!!!), then had to wait 10 minutes for Suz to be interviewed by the documentary production crew. Locked up, then thought about grabbing a bite. So...hey, it's just after 10pm, and I want something really quick, yes? So I decide to drive through Burger King's.

Ponder the menu...lalala...well, mostly just stared at the drool-worthy pictures. I already know what I I drive up to the counter and place in an order for the mushroom swiss double, _no_ cheese.

The girl goes: "That will be $7.87 ma'am."

"What?!"...shock! Disbelief! "Did you say _SEVEN_ dollars?"

"Yes, ma'am" the counter girl politely tells me.

I do a double-take...TRIPLE the huge menu board in front of me. But for the life of me, I just can't see the stated price because the board, while big, is mostly dominated by the pictures, with tiny fonts for the menu proper. Had to take the girl at her word, and produced the requisite change, and grabbed the receipt to double check.

Nope. A mushroom swiss double (NO cheese) goes for $7.87, plus tax. I didn't hear it wrong. What the heck? And right in front of me is a sign proclaiming that a small-sized meal is going for $7.90. _Should_ of gotten the damned set after all.

I'm seriously shocked. Seriously. BK has no call raising their prices, when their burgers aren't any bigger. It's not like the mushroom swiss is Whopper sized. No. It's REGULAR sized. And a tad (and a half) dry to boot. And without the cheese taste to mask its faults, the burger is basically: Crap. C' least make a price deduction on the price of the two slices of cheese they DIDN'T put in my burger right? But no...Crap, I tell you.

I'd complain, but I think it's silly. No, I think I'll stick to a Whopper meal the next time, or avoid BK altogether. How disappointing.

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