The Animals in our Malaysian Zoo...
Here's a pictorial series that I hope will shed some light on recent events, reported in the Malay Mail a few days back.
Story here.
So...friends of hubby's had decided to take in the sights at our zoo. I agreed on his behalf (I'd picked up the call) and off we went. Keeping in mind that I've never been particularly proud of our national zoo, I went in with a massive chip on my shoulder.
I just want to clarify that statement above... I don't doubt that the parents of the injured child were severely neglectful... no. I'm extremely disappointed, and angry, that the care of the animals is so lax, and the environment they're being kept in is distressingly unkempt. Somebody...please! FIX OUR ZOO!!A sign clearly saying: "DANGER, STAY AWAY FROM THIS FENCE"
This dude is an employee of the zoo. He resorted to flinging pebbles at a chimp that didn't want to enter the inner enclosure with the other chimps. There was a fight between 2 males over a female, and things got very raucous... this poor bastard rightly refused to enter the enclosure to be further tormented. Zoo officials, however, had a different idea. I object to their method of trying to scare him to do their bidding via that particular form of force.
A persistent parent, intent on patting the deer. His son, showing more sense and decorum, begged him repeatedly to pull out of the enclosure.
Parents, encouraging their children to pat the giant tortoises. Of course, only a child's hand could've fitted through the mesh...
Another example of exemplary parenting. Parents actually lifting this child onto the top of the wire mesh in hopes of getting him closer to the animals within.
And in a slight juxtaposition... a funnier breed of animal found wandering around...Danny, hubby's friend. Guess who was watching whom??
Hubby, impersonating his favorite cartoon.
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