Tuesday, November 6

Since My Last Post...

The Kakiseni Gang took me to a birthday luncheon (post-birthdate) at Bangsar Village II... I chose The Banquet, because I am a total Cafe Cafe fan, and their tiramisu rocks. However, on that day, the Gang had bought me a cake from Bakerzin (which was equally as awesome) and I just have to post up these pictures... it says a lot ;)

It clearly says "NERO BUCKET"... Juliet tried blaming the guys at Bakerzin (it's supposed to be NERD Bucket...NERD!) but we shot that idea down... I mean, they're just copying text off her hand-writing!! ;)

I couldn't remember taking this, but it goes on the blog because Zedeck is...funny. 'Nuff said :D

After said luncheon, we had the photo shoot for the program book. The pics I took are fuzzy, but for lack of better material (try none...) I'm gonna post 'em up anyways :)

The view from the parking lot...

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