Wednesday, November 28
Friday, November 23
Da Doll Descends on Singapore!!!
Sunday, Bloody Sunday...
I'd been invited to give another workshop, along with Melvin Ho from Circlesong, Hekko from Indonesia, who's a member of Indonesian a capella group Jamaica Cafe and Angie Choo and Hui Min of NANU fame...
Ironically, the weather during the two days we were cooped up in workshops were pleasant, sight-seeing-worthy days. When I'd gone to pick Da Doll up from the Orchard Road MRT station by the end of the second day of workshops, I didn't have any fore-warning that our outings from then on were going to be severely hampered by tetchy weather.
Since the Christmas lights had been lit, and the Whimsical Christmas theme was something close to my only offspring's (Barbie-doll aligned) heart, I decided to walk with her to check out the deco. Turns out this was a good decision, as we didn't have an opportunity to re-visit Orchard Rd again after that.

That tartan paper bag in her hand contained my new bag from CK Jeans. I'd sent my laptop bag along with my dad, which also meant I didn't have anything to carry my wallet and our passports in.

It's really a cheap brand, but was water-proof, which I reckoned would help a lot, as we were going to be visiting the pink dolphins, and there was a further discount of 30% off the second item. Small wonder I went for it :)
I mean, how many Le Sport Sac bags can a girl get before it gets old? I'm all for practical bags, not fashionable names. Not many handbags can keep the rain off, and getting a passport wet is not the wisest thing to do, no matter how much a brand-bitch a person can get.
Okay lah, I was also on a budget :) But it sufficed! And I like it. So there :p
Monday, Goodbyes to Hekko and Mia, Hello Shopping!

The infamous Merlion, in front of the equally infamous Fullerton Hotel. Snapped this from the Wacky Duck... an amphibious tour bus/boat that splashed cheerfully into the marina before taking us on a half hour tour of the bay in front of the Esplanade, the Eye of Singapore, and of course the Merlion... fairly decent tour, this. After splashing around, we took a quick tour of the Padang area, which included a church that had been struck by lightning not just once, nor twice, but three times. Disturbing :)

The floating stadium. Apparently, the first F1 street race to be held at night (which will coincidentally run through most of Singapore) will pass this area. I tried looking at the strip of road between the bleachers and the floating arena.. I don't know how they're going to do it, as it looks barely large enough to accomodate a lorry, much less recklessly racing drivers. Hmm....

The Singaporean Eye. Apparently fully booked for the first 3 months since it's officially opening sometime next year, each individual "compartment" holds 30 people (I may have this figure wrong, actually), and has been reserved from events like weddings, to corporate functions. There's just not much you can say to that :)

The Duck, wading out of the water, and onto dry land. Da Doll enjoyed this tour a lot, especially since she made a new friend from Australia. Children always amaze me at how easily they make friends with each other.

Since we had the apartment until Monday before we had to move out, we moved into the Siloso Beach Resort on Sentosa Island on Monday afternoon. The room we were given was just nice, with a flat screen TV and a variety of channels from different countries. It was cozy, and due to being a new resort, the plaster on the walls and the general lay-out was tidy. I think the only unsightly thing on the premises was the huge garbage disposal unit, located at the far end of the grounds. It was visible, even though the free-form pool is 95m long, as the unit was located at the far end of said pool.

We were lucky to get twin beds. House-keeping was friendly and prompt, and I especially enjoyed the breakfast buffet. It wasn't a large spread, but the noodles were especially good, and they served Korean rice with kimchi... possibly the only kimchi I have ever enjoyed, and ever will. Simple food, but well prepared. Bliss :)
Tuesday, Where the Fun REALLY Begins :p

The beach entrance is also the restaurant entrance, with al fresco dining, and a beach tram station directly in front of it. The beach tram goes all the way to the Beach Station, the new express linking VivoCity to Sentosa Island. As you can see, traveling to our hotel is technically no hassle. Never mind the fact that the beach tram is a slow mode of transportation :)
Also, hotel guests are provided passes for the duration of their stay, so the express, buses, entry at the gateway into Sentosa (which means the taxi entry rate is waived) are all free.
On our first morning on the island, we decided to walk along the beach road from our hotel to the Underwater World. Apparently, peacocks are free-ranging, and problematic. A sign in the car park warning car owners that peacock damage to their vehicles were at the unfortunate victims' risk, led me to believe it was a good decision not to drive down :)
You'll note that there are not a lot of pictures taken on Tuesday, as the weather was especially bad then.

Deciding to cover as much ground as possible, Tuesday morning was spent watching the fishies, and Tuesday afternoon was spent watching the birdies. The people-friendly Australian Lorikeets, obviously used to lots of free eats from silly tourists (like myself), were overjoyed when we purchased two cuppies, and proceeded to land on us, going so far as to climb on our shoulders, heads, hands, and cups.
Fights quickly ensued amongst the feather-brains, and Da Doll's grin turned to fear. The birds were hungry and impatient, and were starting to dig their sharp little claws into our hands. Being of thicker skin, I endured stoically. Da Doll, however, fled from the feathered fiends, taking shelter in the gift shop at the entrance to the Lorikeet aviary.
The weather that day was quite foul, but luckily, since we'd spent our first day shopping like demons, and one of the first items I'd purchased were umbrellas from GAP, the rain bothered us not at all.
We managed to cover most points of interest in Jurong Bird Park, which included the penguin enclosure, the night birds, the birds of prey, the lorikeets, as well as the man-made waterfall.
We also came across Hekko and Mia, although they had sought refuge out of the rain at one of the train stations. I told Da Doll that only humans were bothered by rain, and in fact, a lot of birds were taking the opportunity to bathe and enjoy the shower.
We visited the pelicans and the swans. A crazy black swan pecked my hand, but since said hand was already numb from holding up five bickering lorikeets at a time, the pain barely registered. Da Doll didn't really enjoy Jurong as much as I'd hoped. I doubt that child can get a tattoo, if she can't handle a few little birds clinging to her hand :)
Wednesday, Feeling Crappy but Determined!

I mentioned our good luck on Wednesday, because we'd managed to arrive in time for most of the animal feeding times. We caught the giraffes' feeding time. A trio of sweet giraffes were fed carrots not 2 feet away from where we stood, at an elevated wooden hut.

From the giraffes, we dashed over to catch the jaguar feeding. I love cats, and watching them feed was so exciting. The jaguars, one black (female) and one tan (male) chased happily after pieces of meat flung into the enclosure by their trainer.
It was so cute, watching these dangerous animals bound after the meat, going so far as to swim underwater for the food. The male was less averse to the water than the female, but I reckon she was just finicky, and had no real objection to getting wet, save vanity.

Eventually, she dived in to collect her food, fastidiously shaking herself dry after the ordeal was over. They are both sleek, well-fed cats, and absolutely beautiful. I loved them!
We also managed to catch the polar bear feeding time, and Da Doll fell in love with Inuka, the park-born male. No pictures were taken, save the ones stored in our heads :)

Seeing as this was Da Doll's first trip out of the country, and I wanted to savor her experiences as much as she was, we had lots of those obligatory touristy scam-photos taken. She has one taken while petting the pink dolphin, and the key-chain with said picture was hung proudly on her newly acquired Adidas bag :)
Other pictures purchased was a handshake with Carlos, the sea-lion, a charismatic black seal with a diva complex, as well as one with her skimming past the checkered line on the Sentosa Luge :)
Since I'd taken these satisfactorily, I saved myself some $$ and let her enjoy the ride instead :) One thing I have to say about Singapore. They're quite good at ultra-quick modifications.
The last time I visited the zoo with hubby, certain displays had changed, animals had been added, and the layout is constantly being tweaked. This is true of all the parks, and it keeps things fresh.

Da Doll enjoyed the ride a lot, and surprisingly enjoyed the zoo, as well as the Night Safari show. She didn't like the tour on the tram at the Night Safari as much because it was a little creepy, and I'd made her sit on the outer edge of the seat.
Surprisingly, despite little head-on squabbles on shopping (I'd forbidden her to go beyond her budget, and to not demand for anything) and endless complaints about the amount of walking we had to do, we managed to have a great time.
My cold knocked me out during the bus journey back, but a quick visit to the doctor this morning ensured that I would have enough drugs to get me back on my feet quickly. Bronchitis is no laughing matter, and being able to breathe is sort of a bonus for me :)
Nevertheless, the important thing is, as we left Singapore, Da Doll lamented that we couldn't stay longer. A sure sign that she enjoyed herself. I take it as a personal triumph that we managed not to kill each other, and by allowing her 2 sessions in the huge pool at our hotel (where she managed to make yet another friend before we left), I'd conned her into believing she was having a great time.
Now how about that? ;)
Conceived from the meanderings of Zalina Lee at 11:46 PM
Tag: CamHam, Shoppa-mania, Travelogue
Sunday, November 11
From Rose, with Love...
Again, taken with my N95 and an unsteady hand, nonetheless, pictures (for posterity) of my time with the cast of Rose, many of whom I couldn't get pictures of. However, others have (much better) pictures which I can probably link to. Later. When I'm not so tired :)
I had a great time, probably should have behaved a little better, but oh-well :) The crew was a strong one, with close-knit ties. Finally got to work (somewhat) with Tony, whom I've known for years, but never encountered professionally.
In no particular order, here are the pics from our cast party, immediately after our last show on Sunday the 11th of November, 2007.
Bella is a lovely person with a wonderful personality. Spent a lot of time on her laptop while waiting for showtime (early make-up call time lah, what to do?) playing some mystery game. It was awesome! And so's Bella :)
Carmen and moi...I play her mui-zhai, which has some benefits. One of which is I get to whap the ensemble boys with my long hair-extension. Bwahahahaha!
Contrary to some comments I've read about her from reviews of the show (from audience members), she is really a nice person. Very professional, very eager to do a good job, and absolutely incapable of a mean thought.
The Stilettos, Kuk Fa aka Chrys (my name is Chrysanthemum!!), Stylo-Tailo, the dude who gets to slap me at least 2-3 times each night (and live!!!), and Penny, our music director :)
KK and Anrie, two BPs (Beautiful People) both inside and out. KK's a brand-bitch ;) He's totally straight, and totally metro-sexual. Anrie's a cool, even-tempered person who totally makes everyone around her feel calm.
KK, Maria, and myself. Maria's got this tiny body and a huge, soulful voice. Every time she sang her storyteller parts, we'd get hyped to perform, or tear up with sentimentality. She's also an awesome person, without a single mean bone in her body. Party on, mama!!! :)
Lainie, a very sesat person. Showing support for the wrong show (we're doing ROSE lah, blurro! Not Girl from Ipoh! :p)...that smile on her face is totally perved on Carmen, but we luvs her anyways :)
Tin Tan, whose final strip scene always chokes us up, making us cry as we move into our final song. A total doll, she spends the most time rehearsing (next to Carmen) and is a sweetie. She gets to slap Tony around a lot, which is cool. I totally approve :)
Tin again :)
Tony Eusoff!! *screams extravagantly!* Okay lah, geez. It's just Tony. He gets his nipples pinched repeatedly (by Tin) and on the last night, got his nuts kicked up to his teeth by Jenhan. By way of apology, Jenhan arranged two cherry tomatoes and a piece of chicken sausage on a plate with an apology scribbled in Thousand Island sauce.
Tony, showing the guys there's no hard feelings over the damage to his nuts. Also, probably displaying his mutant Sarawakian mojo, proving that a mere kick ain't gonna stop this dude from having a good time ;)
Workaholic, perfectionist director, Low Ngai Yuen. Oddly enough, she's managed to fall short of being anal retentive, which was great for us :) She's actually very nice, and quite sporting lah. Adonis played Mr. Scorpio, the dude who whacks a brick off Johann's chest.
Conceived from the meanderings of Zalina Lee at 1:55 AM
Tuesday, November 6
Since My Last Post...
The Kakiseni Gang took me to a birthday luncheon (post-birthdate) at Bangsar Village II... I chose The Banquet, because I am a total Cafe Cafe fan, and their tiramisu rocks. However, on that day, the Gang had bought me a cake from Bakerzin (which was equally as awesome) and I just have to post up these pictures... it says a lot ;)
It clearly says "NERO BUCKET"... Juliet tried blaming the guys at Bakerzin (it's supposed to be NERD Bucket...NERD!) but we shot that idea down... I mean, they're just copying text off her hand-writing!! ;)
I couldn't remember taking this, but it goes on the blog because Zedeck is...funny. 'Nuff said :D
After said luncheon, we had the photo shoot for the program book. The pics I took are fuzzy, but for lack of better material (try none...) I'm gonna post 'em up anyways :)
The view from the parking lot...