Food for thought...
SoulDoc mentioned over vanilla soy cafes that my posts are very wordy...
Translated, that means I talk a lot.
Another thought I chewed over (briefly) was a question asked by KakiCucukLangit, a.k.a. Naz, in his post about WHY we blog.
Umm... well. It used to be to keep friends who are overseas updated. But. I dunno if anyone reads my blog any more haha. So I guess the real answer is... force of habit.
And SoulDoc, these next few pix are for you... hark back to our conversation last night about zippy meals for busy people :)
Prep time: 10 minutes
Ingredients: eggs, 1% milk, Brown Buttons, half a yellow onion, Italian herbs, pinch o' salt, 2 tbsps of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (for the non-stick pan that's no longer non-stick), Crispy Curlies lettuce, 2 slices of toast and Bega Super Slims.
- Heat oil
- Sautee onion slices
- Chuck in Buttons
- Flip n' toss about to prove you have egg-cellent wrist action
- Salt n' herb...
- Pour in beaten egg+milk mix
- Fold and serve...
Et voila!

(So okay, the picture doesn't look appetizing...but it's better than nothing ok :p And btw, it tastes fine...)

Hungry albino piglet who'd clawed my leg...her face is hidden because she's guilty, dammit! GUILTY!! :p

Hungry cats eyeing food and un-clawed leg. Ngeow....
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