Tuesday, April 17

Out of Sync

Just recently, I was told not to judge a person (based on whatever they were exuding to make me appear judgmental, I guess?) as I reckon I must've acted as prissy and unlike myself as I could be.

Odd, that. I had the thought that the person (who had told me to not judge people) would probably not have my problem, being an essentially nicer person, and one who (rumor has it) was once promised to the service of God...

I have no actual point, nor defense. I don't believe I was being judgmental, but I know I was a lot less of me, that I'd ever been. If that makes any sense.

I guess, as I get older...no, I can't use that excuse, it doesn't fly. Lol! I've always been somewhat tactless, and a lot less restrained than I ought to be. Anyway, I thought I handled myself quite tactfully, although I have to say, I was bursting at the seams with good (and restrained!) behavior!

There are seasons, shall we say, where I lose my balance both emotionally and socially. It's a deuced pain in the flaming arse, and the only cure for it is enforced isolation. So help me, God... I need to get away again. Regain some balance, regain some tact :p

And of course, am missing the spousie-unit. It's amazing how much more calm and centered I feel when the hubby is around. I guess he really is overdue to return home and help me find myself again. Here's to praying he gets his fine ass back home, and soon!!!

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