The tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth...
And the word is:
That's the tooth right there. But wow, it sucks wide when some disrespectful numbwart *cough*sister*cough* wipes out your entire stash of Godiva chocolates. From the tray, to the mint twigs....
BLOODY HELL, NOT THE MINT TWIGS!!! *cries brokenly*
I grant you that the knowledge of impending doom (for the assorted tray) was prevalent. Who can resist an assorted tray?! But the twigs... ah, those and all related mint products have (up until recently) survived the Friggie Fervent Food Ferreting Forays for about a year. I had, in particular, a box of Godiva mint twigs that lived there safely until I got around to eating them away for eight months...!!! I shit you not, Louise.
Why would I take a year to eat chocolate?
Not being a chocoholic, it's certainly not difficult to ration out my supply of good and expensive chocolates. But wow, decimated in one sitting. I'm still reeling from the blow.
Anyway, it's been a slow day. And with CNY around the corner, I can't say I'm looking forward to the family social obligations. I'm feeling distinctly anti-social this season. Wonder how're road conditions heading south... *ponder*
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