Monday, July 10

So. I lied....What about it?

I know my bed's really sexy and shtuff, but yeah. I've got a hole in the left side of my head where my brains leaked out and now it sort of hurts. Yeah.

So. Upwards and Onwards!!! COFFEE!!!

Aariye's Recipe for a Good, Cheap Cup of Joe.

  1. Grab a BIG mug. None of those pussy standard size shites, y'hear?!
  2. It follows if your mug's taller than your teaspoon, that you should consequently grab: A Long TeaSpoon!! (like those ice cream ones, only not plastic, cuz it'll prolly melt when you pour in hot water, and yuck...who wants liquid plastic flowing in their bloodstream anyways? Duh. Get real...)
  3. Nescafe!! -this part's has to be Nescafe for the sole reason that if it was anything more expensive, you might as well pop down to Starbucks and get your coffee cuz, really. Who wants to drink this shit? :p
  4. Spoon in 3 heaped teaspoons of Nescafe....
  5. 2 cubes of sugar (this is important if you're a weird-assed foo' who gets high on sugar...cuz believe me, coffee doesn't wake me up the way these babies do...)
  6. Add boiling hot water (about half to 3/4 full) - free advice at this point: Do Not Splash Hot Water On The Fingers Holding The Cup!
  7. STIRRRRRRRRR!!! *cackles witchily* (anyone notice how bee-yoo-ti-foool coffee looks when swirled around n' around n' around with sugar/milk? *slurrrrp*)
  8. Top with Low Fat milk, if you're really not a coffee fan, but believe that the combination of coffee and sugar can keep you awake.
  9. **Variation: Without decreasing ANY portions, add either 3 heaped teaspoons of Milo, or squirt in Hershey's Chocolate Syrup....bwahahahaha!!!

Disclaimer: There is no Department of Complaints. If your hair falls out, buy a wig.


I found some blasts from my past...WAY past...while surfing blogs. I feel old. I mean, God! They were KIDS when I was running around, doing my level best to turn everyone else's hair white. And now they're all grown and I'm an Innernet Junkie slash Has Been Gamer Geek.

Also, might I add, Insane Coffee Nut slash Sugar High Freak slash Bum-a-Dum-Dum slash J'Lo's Ass Ain't Got Nothing On Me(remember those Yo' Mama jokes? Yeah..say "Hi!" to my wide-load) slash Wannabe Gym Kaki...

And, aiyo, lets just throw in Unemployed Yet Self-Employed slash Hubby Dependent slash Dangerous When Bored Because I Tend To Mouth Off slash Brain Fart Chick.

Thank you. Nics agrees: I must be bored. Hahahaha, duh! What was your first clue? Me, I think it was the point where I started taking pictures of pond scum. Whatchoo think? 3 posts a day too much? *gnaws lip*'s just past noon. I still have tonight to post another one! Overkill? No? :D

Eh...DVians et al, I'm a'gonna warn you leh...this blog's been silent long-long cuz I've been DeadJournal'ing. But now I got no day job and I know html!!!! Be fuckin' afraids, ye ole kemo sabes....


*Update: (yes, enough of adding new posts okie?) GO check out my sidebar linkage. IllWill Press (aka Foamy Firkin' R0xx0rz) is the awesomeness. And the rest, haha. Yeah, check out the rest.

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