Friday, July 28

New Toy et al

I have a spankin' new E-MU midi Keyboard. To go along with my (legal) copy of Finale. The el cheapo version, but STILL!

I also have proof that someone played HOOKY yesterday!

Lookit that gangster glare. Yah, I took the smaller piece, more power to the hand that wields the spoon! :p

The Tabasco Tower of Happiness. Viva le Tabasco!

We figured the salt-shaker did it. Look at the inconspicuous way it's trying to hide itself!

And a li'l extra silliness: The tongue deco I had to remove. Well, it was that, or swallow it. Good thing I've got a great gag-reflex :p

I went for an interview today. I've got 'til Monday to make up my mind. Up my asking price. Back out. Talk to Hubby. Whatever. Gonna be a LONG weekend for me.

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