Friday, December 17

Ugh to Small-minded People In Power

Well, that's just part of what I'm about to post. The rest is really mundane, but what to do? I've got this really bad habit of writing post titles that don't match my posts :p

So..last night was rather...umm...weird. Heh. Me and the Empress had headed out to town to catch the U2 iPod product launch, and we thought we'd arrived there IN TIME. The invites DID say 7pm after all. When we arrived, the line had already curled out to the main road and was on its way to reaching the next plot of land, and we heard from a friend of the Empress that the first 200 had already been in and out with their goodie bags.


So after dawdling to the back of the line and deciding NOT to be like the rest of the geek-pack, we headed back to the car and drove of to the National Arts Academy where Empress promptly signed up (belatedly!) to audition for a role in the Landmark Opera of 2005! Whee!

Hope she and the other DeViants get in :) Although I must say, Goddess Fluffy is ver' ver' naughty this time around :) Esp. since she's heading to Borneo next month :p

OK BACK UP! I missed a step!

So, on our way to the Academy, I took a wrong turn and ended up at the front gates of the Parliament Building (this is at 8pm), where we promptly got harrassed by the gate guards. Geez. So, ok, I understand you're worried that two girls in a little car could be carrying uzis (which are probably longer than our car boot is wide), and probably driving around with bombs strapped to our chests, cleverly hidden by our fitting tops and bras.

And yes, you may see my ID and Drivers' License, but can you not threaten to make me leave my car parked in front of the guard house for DARING to take a wrong turn? I don't think whichever VIP that's going to drive up on the morrow will be very happy to see my little car blocking his way :p

I think if he'd meant business, we'd have had to get out of the car for a frisking. As it is, I suppose the guards in our National Service don't have much to entertain themselves with at night, so we were probably a welcome distraction. He finally deigned to allow us to make a three-point turn, and we barreled down the road and made an illegal left turn because that would be about the only way out of there :p

So yeah, the story follows with the auditions, and then we had dinner and headed home. The end.

Well, not quite. I've been sneezing my head off (damned face powder), and tonight's another show. Ewie. AND the red tide is upon me! SAVE MEEEEE!!! Hehehe.

Okay, NOW, mercifully, it ends.


Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy said...

The guards probably had small penises they had to make up for by terrorising supposedly helpless girls in a small car. Either that or they were gay men pretending to be straight to their buddies so they could have sex later and then say "oh yeah, remember how we scared those girlies today." ;-) Hmmm! I think I need more sex! hehehe

Zalina Lee said...

Hey!!! Whatcha mean "supposedly" !!! :p

We ARE helpless *flutters eyelashes convincingly* ;)