Tuesday, November 9

On A Local Driver....

I was driving home from choir practice, and turned a corner at the traffic light, when I had to stomp on the brakes. This Mercedes 230 had made a sudden turn out of his lane, and intending to cut into mine. This being the month for tolerance to the rest of humanity, I decided to not push forward, and waved at him to continue. For a long moment, he just stayed in that position, appearing unsure of whether to proceed or not. A few more insistent waves, and he finally decided to move along. Without a wave of thanks, I might add.

I'd noticed the left lane, which the Merc driver was on, was lined with cars laying by, wanting to make quick-dash purchases from the stalls that were hastily set up along the kerb. The only lane with moving traffic was mine. So I start to step on the gas, as my position is rather awkward. We were stoppering up the entry from the other 2 sides of the T-junction. The E230 driver, I shall now name him Asshole, suddenly stops a few yards ahead, without signalling, pops the boot, gets out the door and strolls around to load some stuff from one of the stall vendors.

Hello? No thanks for not making a fuss about his totally inconsiderate change of lanes, stopping DEAD in a busy street, with more cars pouring in from all sides, a shit-faced glare of contempt for my dilapidated old 1991 Honda Accord (obviously, Japanese car drivers don't rank anywhere in his book of people to show courtesy to), add the fact that a WOMAN was driving said dilapidated Honda Accord, his lackadaisical attitude towards the honking that was starting to crescendo behind me, and the pile-up he was causing.

I want it on record that I'm NOT racist, but I'm going to say that this particular indian driver of middle age was probably the MOST annoying asshole I've ever had the misfortune to come across. The whole attitude reeked of: This is my grandfather's road, I've got more money than you, OBVIOUSLY, and I have more right to do whatever the HECK I want because I feel like it.

I also want it on record that his E230 was a 10-12 year old? model. So he was just an asshole. There.

If I ever see him again, I'm going to run over his toes with my nice, sturdy German Volkswagen Beetle, model 1303, year 1975, then when he's bent forward in pain and agony, I'm going to throw it in reverse and flatten his head! Hah!!!

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