Arrogant Fascist Types
Recently, I received an email from an egroup I'm subscribed to, which literally made my blood boil. Details further along :)
Said email was rather inflammatory, and totally unexpected. It was a very public attack, and very poorly informed to boot. Such people should curb their figurative tongues if they have no proof nor substance to substantiate their accusations. Wow, now wasn't THAT a mouthful :)
Until today, I still cannot believe that there are people out there who presume they have the right to tell you what to say and how to think. I have never fully (nor even partially subscribed) to the law that states every person has a God-given right to say what they think. You are entitled to your opinion, and of course you have the freedom of speech (I'm not even an American, by the way) SO LONG AS YOU TEMPER YOUR JUDGEMENT WITH COMMON SENSE.
If saying what you feel is going to start a world-wide war, curb your tongue. Unless it's what you intend, then I can't comment. I'm not one to hide my opinion. However, I've learned that if you take that few extra seconds to think things through, you spare yourself the embarrassment of making thoughtless comments that hurt or offend the people around you. That's not to say I don't blunder, but I'm a lot better than I used to be :)
I'm fairly opinionated, and have been known to blow things way out of proportion. I also know that once I've vented, I'm not too bad at either letting it drop, or taking my gripes up with the offending person. Of course, once I've blown off steam, I'm a lot more tactful and diplomatic. Ergo, people who have opinions ought to think a little bit longer and harder than the other type before they speak what's on their minds.
I understand it's a fairly Asian attitude, this reticence. That's fine by me. Being a mixed breed myself, I can see the benefits of the Western concept of broad-minded thinking, tempered with the more reserved judgement of an Asian.
Back to the offending small-minded peanut who got my blood boiling, and his offensive-to-everyone mail.
You can't blame people for having a blog and publicly writing what they think. You can't STOP them. You can't have them kicked out of a Club or Society for having the temerity to OWN a blog. You cannot tell everyone that such people should be treated like Pariahs.
Or you can think it, and say it. But DON'T expect to affect a change based on those flimsy opinions.
I'm quite ticked really. It was a public attack, ergo it requires a public response. Let me blog how I feel. I'd like to see if this Offensive Emailer dares tell me to MY FACE what I can or cannot do.
In other news:
The current proggie I'm taking part in is on a back-burner in my mind. I can't seem to muster up the enthusiasm to memorize, which is truly bad of me. I KNOW I'm supposed to have had all my words down pat like two weeks ago. I can't help it. It's a mental block of tremendous proportions ;) I shall attempt to memorize by tomorrow, although God knows what good cramming is going to do *rolls eyes*.
Ah well. All this excitement has at least helped me get over my blues. Which is a good thing.