Trying This Out...
New place to park my blog..
Update: Hmm... so far, it's working fine. Maybe my personal formatting is a bit (okay, a LOT) fucky, but it's lots of fun. Check it out, tell me what you think!!!
Experience: Butt of Jokes, Diva in Denial, Freak Extraordinaire... this is my life.
New place to park my blog..
Update: Hmm... so far, it's working fine. Maybe my personal formatting is a bit (okay, a LOT) fucky, but it's lots of fun. Check it out, tell me what you think!!!
Conceived from the meanderings of Zalina Lee at 9:40 AM
I'm up at 25 minutes past midnight watching TV...
I've got my laptop open and connected to Malaysiakini (as well as my usual haunts heh heh) and my eyes are glued on the poll results.
As predicted, BN is still influencing the outlying areas. But the situation here in town looks strong...
I've gotten the sms to stay in, since rumors are flying around that minor disturbances are breaking out on our streets. Puhleeze. Everyone's at home with their eyes glued to the telly lah :p And the more sensible are asleep already.
Me, insomniac lah... what can I say? :)
As for the rumors? The Top Dog in the police department has announced on air that the rumors are unfounded. But again... so whatever right? I think I'll sleep in tomorrow. For fun :)
I try to take the passive route when it comes to my thoughts on politics, but this literally stinks...dodgy, dodgy! If photographers, who are merely the tools to truth (or lies, depending on their perspective) are being mowed down in hit-and-runs, God knows what this country is really coming too.
We all hear about tales of cover-ups, and for the most part, we (or should I say "I") prefer to let it pass. Hard to now, with election fever building.
I dunno how patriotic I feel about you, Malaysia. But I sure don't want to see you crumble to dust.
Just watched the preview to Jolie's new movie on Perez..
She's got such attitude, it's such a turn-on.
Also, the 3 Little Bitches reprised Spiderman @ the Cammie Nominees Party on Monday night, where yours truly caught a second whiff of the SupremeBitch's extremely aggressive cold germs...
I'm blogging from bed, from which I've barely moved for the past two days. Well, once, briefly (yesterday) to meet up with Bella.. and then once today for lunch (which comprised of Campbell's cup soup, fizzy redoxon in warm water, and jasmine tea).
Nothing's better for a diet than a cold :D
Anyways, no pics. I'm getting used to my phone, which for some reason is quite quite possessed. Hubby was back briefly, before he got rudely called back (2 whole days early!!!) to Qatar. We've had 2 weeks, of which I spent maybe 4 days with him. Or was that 2 :p
It's been a messy month, that's all I can say. With Da Doll's b'day party, and gigs galore, and prepping for gigs... it's been a roller-coaster ride to madness. Anyways, the ride's slowed down, and I've got a few days of peace to recover from my cold/fever. So that's all good.
Happy, Min?
Conceived from the meanderings of Zalina Lee at 12:34 PM
Tag: Just For Show
I made the switch to Sony Ericsson!!! But... before you think I've done a total about-face, and betrayed my long-standing loyalty to Nokia, let me assure that I have not. And this is a temporary holding phone, until I can get my hands on a phone that can beat the N95 in form and feature.
Some pics taken from FP's gig @ The Top Room :)The cool thing about the SE is the frames function. You get some room to play. Take this pic for instance ;) That's Nicole Ann Thomas, actress, singer, dancer, cover girl...
Another fun thing about the SE is the panoramic view... rockin' function that covers a lot more room than the conventional camera. The only problem is seaming it together so it doesn't look like 3 pictures sewn into one. Neat, though. One of the other reasons I'll tolerate owning an SE...