This week's word is.... "SpaZZing!"
Yeah, I try to use one catchphrase a week. Just to show that I'm capable of original thought. Go, me!
Anyway, this is like the third time I've tried posting since hubby left. And...ah-hah....blogger decides to make a flaming liar out of me...
Well, here goes. My 8th Anniversary pressie from hubby.
Normally, this gift comes in pairs. And so it is no different for me. Huzzah! :D
The first week he arrived... well, the plan was to meet him in Bangkok. But you know what they say about mice and men? Best laid plans blah..blah..blahhh....
Using some creativity, an apple and two tins connected by microfilament wire (bwahahaha...I so made that last one up!!), I booked us into a hotel up north. Where I do...SOLEMNLY...swear...that the drivers there ought to be destroyed by a handy-dandy bazooka that I shall henceforth pack along with my makeup the next time I visit that particular place :)
That was the view halfway up the hill. You'll notice I name no names, as my plan to blow the place up requires some stealth and discretion!!
Despite the recent session I did with the WP, you'll note, since I'm the subject, that I'm not the one who took this picture. There's an even cooler two-faced depiction of me which I find resonates with the bitch within. Unfortunately, it's a bit risque on account of the fact that I was a) on the bed and b) not dressed but for a well-placed pillow ;)
You get a view of the city at night though, aren't you lucky? :) Oh, and my point is: hubby snapped this all on his own, woo hubby!! :)
It's nice to wake up to this, yah? snapped a slew of this scene. After weeks of smog and haze, rainbows just make the world a prettier place. I don't believe I've had a holiday with my little family since...God knows when! So this was a fun trip for all of us. But especially Da Doll, the li'l stinker. She'd found her way into the pack of hotel-provided crisps while our backs were turned :)
"Thou art Kee-yuuuuuute, and henceforth shall be named.....
So anyways, after this quickie holiday, hubby and I dropped the kiddy back home, hopped on a train and suffered the 9 hour journey down south, where we proceeded to spend every last cent of his hard earned money (as well as whatever credit he had left in his cards)....!
That's where he got me my earrings. Also, we discovered a Godiva tucked away in a little nook along the Raffles underground link. Naturally, I bought some chocolates back for personal consumption (hubby loved the mint twigs!!) and he made me eat the 85% Dark Chocolate squares without water to wash it down. SO MEAN!
Naturally, I retaliated by making him do it too, and he never touched them again. Bwahahahaha! He also took lots of pictures. But since they're on his camera and not mine, I can't post them :) Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, cuz...who wants to look at pictures anyways? :)
Okay, so after a week of that, we got home and boy, things didn't slow down one bit. I think I must've spent half a week in Low Yatt Plaza. Another few days in Sungei Wang Plaza. We finally got Celcom prepaids, as that's the only thing that works where he does. I got me a Lime Green PEBL to go with it, instead of the $200 phone I'd initially planned to go with the line.

And I used my N73 to snap this! Sans flash though, and really. I may have dropped it a time or two. So who cares if the piccie is grainy and muzzy? Huh? HUH?! :D
If you ask me: Did I spend all my time spending while hubby was home this time around, I'll have to plead guilty. But that's not to say that I only equate hubby with retail therapy. He got called back a whole week earlier, and I think he felt bad about being away so long. I'm glad he made it home for our anniversary. We exchanged gifts, and got to spend a lot of time together.
But he's going to miss my birthday, the WP concert in November, and quite possibly Christmas as well. I don't think things, in all their material glory, can make up for not having him around. But every time the boy gives me a trinket, a bauble, an electronic gadget...I remember the days when we were first married, and he beat himself over his head so hard for not being able to pay for my meals.
If you think the taking is easy, think again. The smile that lights up his face every time he sets eyes on the bling he put in my ears? It's enough for me. And believe me, I will never take his largesse for granted. I don't think a spouse ever should. It's a gift, but feeling his pride that he's providing for his wife, old-fashioned as that sounds...well, you just had to be there. All of 8 and a half years ago.